August 9, 2022
Hi There!

I hope you are staying safe during our hot summer weather. Remember to stay cool and stay hydrated. Here are a few tips from the Connecticut State Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.

Another reminder: SKP's Shredding Day is back! Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 17, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. A shredding truck will be at our office parking lot ready to shred any amount of documents you bring. More details will be shared soon.

Thank you.
Rich Pavano, CPA
Avoid Early Withdrawal Tax Penalty
When you take withdrawals from your traditional IRA, you probably know that they’re taxable. But there may be a penalty tax on early withdrawals depending on how old you are when you take them and what you do with the money. Learn more about how to avoid the early withdrawal tax penalty on IRA distributions.
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