Filming: "Kubelik"
On Tuesday March 19 to Friday March 22, Kubelik will be filming in the 42nd Ward. During filming , parking at the following locations will be prohibited:
Monday March 18, 2024 (5AM) - Tuesday March 19, 2024 (3PM)
West Side of Orleans St from Huron St to Erie St
South Side of Huron St from Sedgwick St to Franklin St
Tuesday March 19, 2024 (3PM) – Friday March 22, 2024 (11:45PM)
South Side of Erie St from Orleans St to Sedgwick St
Both Sides of Erie St from Orleans St to Franklin St
West Side of Orleans St from Huron St to Erie St
South Side of Huron St from Hudson St to Franklin St
Both sides of Sedgwick St from Chicago Ave to Locust St
North Side of Huron St from Orleans St to Franklin St
Sidewalk Closure
Wednesday March 20, 2024 (7AM) – Friday March 22, 2024 (11:45PM)
West Side of Orleans St from Huron St to Erie St
East Side of Orleans St from Huron St to Erie St
Alley Closure
Friday March 22, 2024 (7AM – 7PM)
Alley Closure from Huron St to Erie St to Sedgwick St
Monday March 25, 2024 (7 AM – 7 PM)
West Side of Orleans St from Huron St to Erie St
South Side of Huron St from Sedgwick St to Franklin St
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Maria Roxas 312-282-0283 and Gilbert Morales, 312-339-9401 from the Production Locations Team for further assistance.
Filming: "Power Book IV: Force"
On Tuesday, March 19th, "Power Book IV: Force" will be filming interior dialogue scenes inside The Wellsley, 504 N Wells. During filing, prep, and wrap, parking will be prohibited at the following locations:
Friday, March 15: From 4:00AM to 5:00PM
- West Side of Wells from Grand to Hubbard
- North Side of Illinois from Wells to 210 W Illinois
Tuesday, March 19: From 3:00AM to 11:59PM
- West Side of Wells from Grand to Hubbard
- North Side of Illinois from Wells to Franklin
- South Side of Grand from LaSalle to Franklin
- East Side of Franklin from Illinois to Grand
Monday 3/18 & Wednesday 3/20: From 5:00AM to 4:00PM
- West Side of Wells from Grand to Hubbard
- North Side of Illinois from Wells to Franklin
- South Side of Grand from Franklin to Wells
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Agron Karameti, Asst. Location Manager, at 224-999-1085 or Paolo Lopez, On-Site Coordinator, at 773-558-0745.
Lake Shore Drive Bridge Repairs
Work is scheduled to begin for Bridge Repairs at the Upper level of DuSable Lake Shore Drive Bascule Bridge over the Main Branch of the Chicago River.
This work is separate from the ongoing Pin & Link work at the bridge and will not impact that construction, or require additional roadway closures. Details of the temporary sidewalk restrictions are below:
Scope of Work:
The work consists of upper level stringer repairs at the SE and NE bridge houses.
Construction Schedule:
8:00 pm - 6:00 am Sunday, March 10th 2024 until Thursday, March 28th 2024.
- Work will occur on Sunday nights - Thursday nights only. No work to occur on Friday nights or Saturday nights.
Traffic Impact during Construction:
- The east sidewalk and bike path will be reduced to a shared travel lane in both directions during working hours.
- The east sidewalk and bike path will be completely open to pedestrians and bicyclists during non-working hours.
- This work will not impact the ongoing Pin & Link construction or cause additional road closures.
- The west sidewalk will remain completely open to pedestrian traffic at all times.
Michigan Avenue Bridge Work
On Monday, February 26, CDOT began repairs to the sidewalk on the west side of the Michigan Avenue Bridge. The sidewalk will be closed until mid-April. During working hours, the southbound curb lane will also be impacted. CTA will be notified and we will watch these impacts and make adjustments where we can.
Pedestrians will be detoured to the east side sidewalk.
DWM Project: Lakeshore East Park
The Department of Water Management (DWM) will began excavation in Lakeshore East park, north of the playground. DWM's sewer line is clogged at this location - causing back-ups in a near-by building.
Work will occur from 8am-5pm. The work area will be fenced off and will be inaccessible during the project. The project is expected to be completed by mid-April, weather permitting.
Restoration will occur in late spring/early summer.
CDOT Construction: Pin & Link Plate Assembly and Expansion Joints
The Department of Transportation will begin a project to replace pin and link plate assemblies and expansion joints associated with the bridge structures of upper and intermediate Columbus Dr., Randolph St., and Stetson Ave. Pin and link plate assembly work will be performed from the underside of the bridge decks while expansion joint replacements will occur from above. The work began in November 2023 and will progress to completion (anticipated Fall 2024).
Work is to start along upper, intermediate, and lower levels of the following roadways:
- N. Columbus Drive between E. Wacker Drive and E. Randolph Street
- E. Randolph Street between N. Michigan Avenue and N. Field Boulevard
- N. Stetson Avenue between E. Wacker Drive and E. Lake Street
During construction, portions of these bridge structures will be barricaded off to prohibit vehicles and pedestrians directly over the active work.
- Vehicles will be shifted and/or detoured to allow the work to progress.
- The sidewalk on at least one side of the roadway and crosswalks at roadway intersections will remain open for pedestrians.
- Coordination of temporary access restriction may be required with private properties directly adjacent to the project.
Murphy Auditorium Renovation
Driehaus Museum purchased the Murphy Auditorium (50 E Erie) in June 2023, and began the following interior renovations:
- Offices are going to be renovated
- Stage has sunken – leveled out; fix accessibility issue
- New elevator to go all the way to the top floor
Throughout the project, the following will be in-place:
- Pedestrian canopy over the sidewalk in front of 50 E Erie
- 100' of curb lane will be closed in front of 50 E Erie for material deliveries and small crane
They will need to use a small crane periodically throughout the project to lift materials onto the roof that can't fit through the doorway.
LSD Bridge & Viaduct Project - September 25 to Summer 2024
The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) began working on the Lake Shore Drive Bridge and Viaduct Network between Monroe and Ontario. This work will include removing and replacing link plates, stainless steel pins, and Teflon bushings and expansion joint rehabilitation.
Upper Level Lake Shore Drive will have one permanent lane closure in each direction and an additional lane closure during off-peak hours.
Intermediate Level Lake Shore Drive will have two permanent lane closures in each direction.
This project is expected to be completed summer of 2024.
Temporary Bus Stop Elimination
Until March 2024, the westbound bus stop at Grand and St. Clair will be temporarily removed.
- Stop ID Number: 761
- Route Stopping: #29 – State, #65 – Grand, #120 – Ogilvie/Streeterville Express, #121 – Union/Streeterville Express
State & Lake Utility Relocations
Utility companies began relocating utilities in advance of the State and Lake CTA project. Train services will not be disrupted during utility relocations.
At least 1 lane of traffic will remain open (1 lane each direction on State St) at all times, but other driving and parking lanes may be closed.
Construction equipment and materials will be stored on the street, including during time periods between active work. Work will primarily occur 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays and 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Saturdays, but there will be limited work during nights. Utility companies are aware of and required to abide by the Chicago noise ordinance, which limits noisy work during overnight hours.
Kennedy Expressway Bridge Rehabilitation
In 2023, IDOT began rehabilitating the Kennedy Expressway (Interstate 90/94), from the Edens Expressway (I-94) junction to Ohio Street.
The estimated $150 million project consists of rehabilitating 36 bridges and the Reversible Lane Access Control system, replacing overhead sign structures, installing new signage and modernized LED lights, pavement patching, and structural painting. Additionally, Hubbard’s Cave, from Grand Avenue to Wayman Street, will be painted and new LED lighting installed.
The work will take place over three consecutive construction seasons, broken down into the following stages:
2023 – Inbound Kennedy: Click here for stage 1 fact sheet.
2024 – Reversible Express Lanes: Click here for stage 2 fact sheet.
2025 – Outbound Kennedy: Click here for stage 3 fact sheet.
The Kennedy Expressway officially opened in November 1960, with the last major rehabilitation completed in 1994. The project will improve safety, traffic flow and reliability for the more than 275,000 motorists who use the expressway each day.
Click here for a project overview.
Click here for a FAQ
Click here to see photos and videos of the project.