Tower Crane Removal - 751 N Hudson Avenue
On Friday, November 4 to Sunday, November 6, from 9am to 5pm, Pepper Construction will be removing the tower crane from 751 N Hudson Avenue. During the crane removal, Chicago Avenue, between, Sedgwick and Hudson will be reduced to two lanes of traffic (one eastbound and one westbound lane). Additionally, motorists will not be able to access Hudson Avenue from Chicago Avenue.
Tower Crane Installation - 150 E Ontario
On Friday, November 11 to Monday, November 14, from 8am-5pm, at tower crane will be installed at 150 E Ontario Street. During the installation, Ontario, between St. Clair and Michigan Avenue will be reduced to one lane of eastbound traffic.
PGL Restoration: Oak, from Michigan to Rush
PGL began curb-to-curb street restoration on Oak, from Michigan to Rush. Although there might be traffic delays, Oak Street will remain open to vehicular traffic throughout the restoration project. Restoration is expected to be finished by mid-November.
Peoples Gas: LaSalle Street Project
PGL began repairing a gas main on LaSalle Street, between Ontario and Hubbard. Work hours will be 6pm-6am, daily.
This is emergency work needs to repair a leaky main. This project is expected to be completed by November 18.
AT&T Fiber Installation
AT&T began installation of fiber in the intersection of Wells and Randolph. The Randolph Street Bike Lane will remain open at all times.
The project is expected to be completed by mid-November.
On Thursday, September 15, Lumen began installing communication equipment on the south side of Kinzie, from Kingsbury to a pint 100' east there of.
This project is expected to be completed by mid-November.
Randolph Street Viaduct Repair
CDOT restarted viaduct repairs on Randolph, between Columbus and Field. Work hours are Monday-Friday, from 8am-8pm.
Throughout the project, at least one lane of eastbound traffic will be open. Westbound lanes will not be disrupted.
The project is expedited to be completed mid-November (weather dependent).
State & Lake Utility Relocations
Utility companies began relocating utilities in advance of the State and Lake CTA project. Train services will not be disrupted during utility relocations.
At least 1 lane of traffic will remain open (1 lane each direction on State St) at all times, but other driving and parking lanes may be closed.
Construction equipment and materials will be stored on the street, including during time periods between active work. Work will primarily occur 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays and 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Saturdays, but there will be limited work during nights. Utility companies are aware of and required to abide by the Chicago noise ordinance, which limits noisy work during overnight hours.
150 E Ontario Construction
W.E. O'Neil began construction of a 23-story building at 150 East Ontario Street. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, from 9am-5pm (8pm during caisson pours). Some weekend work will occur.
Throughout the project, the following will be closed:
- 150' of sidewalk in front of 150 East Ontario
- 150' of curb lane in front of 150 East Ontario
Pedestrians will be directed to the sidewalk on the south side of the street at Ontario/Michigan and Ontario/St. Clair.
The entire project is expected to take 23 months to complete.
Harold Washington Commercial
On Friday, November 4, RHINO Media will be filming a commercial inside Harold Washington College located at 30 E Lake Street. During the filming, parking on the North side of East Lake Street from 10 East Lake Street to North Wabash Ave.
Chase Tower Clark Street Tunnel Project
In mid-July, Berglund Construction began repairs on the Chase Tower Clark Street tunnel at 23 S. Clark Street. The project scope consists of repairing Chase’s below-grade tunnel structures that cross below Clark Street at 23 S. Clark St, and will require excavation of Clark Street in that area to access the tunnel structures to perform repairs.
There will be one lane of southbound traffic open at all times. Berglund will have flaggers and barricades in-place throughout the project.
The project will last 26 months. Berglund would like to begin mid-June. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, from 8am-5pm.
Demolition Notice: 535 N. St. Clair Street
Precision Excavation & Demolition (PED) was hired to demo the parking structure at 535 N St. Clair Street. Demolition is underway, and work hours are be Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.
PED plans to install a high bay pedestrian canopy on the north side of Grand, from St. Clair to a point 100' east thereof. Additionally, they plan to prohibit parking on the north side of Grand, from St. Clair to a point 100' east thereof. Both the canopy and parking restrictions will be in-place throughout the project.
The sidewalk on the east side of St. Clair, from Grand to appoint 100' north thereof will be closed for the first week of the project. Construction fencing will be put in-pace between the sidewalk and the site.
PED plans to demo the building from west to east. They will have dust mitigation in-place and bait for rodents before work begins. All demolition activities will occur on their property. The crane will not be on ROW.
The entire demolition will take one month to complete.
Cassidy Tire Construction
Construction of the 33-story mixed-use building is underway. Throughout construction, McHugh Constriction will occupy the curb lane on the west side of Canal along 344/350 N. Canal Street's property line. The construction company has leased the area north of the building from the railroad to use as a staging area. Additionally, they will use the parking lot south of the building as a staging area too.
As a reminder, this project is contributing to numerous public benefits. Click here for a list of public benefits, and stay tuned to Reilly Reports for future updates on this project and the implementation of these public benefits.
All work is expected to take 24 months to complete (weather dependent).
311 W Huron Project
In June, ARCO Murray began construction of a new building at 311 W. Huron Street. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, from 9am-5pm (8pm during caisson pours).
Throughout the project, the following City right-of-way will be occupied:
Sidewalk/curb lane on the south side of Huron, from Franklin west to the end of 311 W Huron's property line - approximately 150'. The sidewalk will be used to store their concrete pump, dumpster, and hoist dock. Trucks will back into the site at this location too. Jersey barriers will be placed in the curb lane to create a protected pedestrian path.
- 3' of the sidewalk on the west side of Franklin, from Huron to the first alley south thereof. This leaves 6' of clearance. They will need to push the fence out a few feet during excavation.
- 150' of the east/west alley bounded by Huron, Franklin, Erie, and Orleans will be closed. The closure is from Franklin to a point 150' west thereof.
The project is expected to be completed in September 2023 (weather dependent).
Peoples Gas Main Installation Project: Bellevue, from Lake Shore Drive to Rush
Sidewalk restoration on both sides of Bellevue, from Lake Shore Drive to Rush will begin the week of October 17.
214 West Erie Street Renovations
On Monday, December 13, Crane Construction began renovations of 214 West Erie Street. During construction, the following will be closed:
Sidewalk/curb lane in front of 214 West Erie Street. The curb lane will be used as a pedestrian walkway. Crane Construction will place jersey barriers and ramps in the curb lane to protect pedestrians and provide wheelchair access.
Close 100' of the north/south alley adjacent to 214 W Erie Street. This is a T alley and residents of 222 W Erie will still be able to access their parking garage from the alley entrance on Franklin and Huron.
This project is expected to be completed summer of 2022 (weather dependent).
LG Construction: 751 N. Hudson and 451 W Chicago
LG Construction continues work on 751 N. Hudson Avenue and 451 W. Chicago Avenue, which are adjacent parcels. Work hours will be 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
Throughout the project, the following will be closed:
- Sidewalk/curb lane/traffic lane of the east side of Hudson, from Chicago to the first alley south thereof
- Sidewalk/curb lane/traffic lane on the west side of Sedgwick, from Chicago to the first alley south thereof
- Sidewalk/curb lane on the south side of Chicago, from Hudson to Sedgwick
There will be a protected pedestrian walkway in the curb lane on the south side of Chicago Avenue, from Hudson Avenue to Sedgwick Street.
This project is expected to take 18 months to complete (weather dependent).
354 North Union Construction
The Onni Group is constructing a 33-story residential building with 373 units. Work hours will be 8am-8pm, daily.
Parking will be prohibited on North Union, from West Kinzie to the cul-de-sac west thereof throughout the project. All construction equipment and vehicles will be staged on the Onni Group’s property. This project will take approximately two years to complete.
Dearborn Street Bridge Project
CDOT has scheduled emergency work on the Dearborn Bridge to begin June 13 (weather dependent). They will be conducting the following work:
- Replacing both sidewalks
- Replacing all of the bridge gratings
- Replacing the beam structures
The project is expected to be completed in December 2022 (weather dependent).
The bridge will be reduced to one lane of traffic/sidewalk at a time. Bike traffic will be detoured to Clark Street via the north side of Upper Wacker Drive.