Sunday, June 19
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM for worship with Rev. Ewing.
We will have a Litany for our Fathers (Father's Day) and Youth Group (Harlan workcamp).

In case you missed it....
June 12 - “Bragging” Romans 5:1-5
Celebrated Graduates, Baptism
June 5 - Pentecost, Acts 2: 1 - 21
Confirmation and music from the children of Avondale Adventures.
Find recent services and emails anytime on our website.
THURS, JUNE 23 - ASAP Members
& members of congregation

ASAP will meet Thurs, June 23 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. ASAP members will be called for luncheon reservations. Our speaker for this meeting will be our own JOY CALLAWAY! She will share with us the writing of her third book, "The Grand Design."
Join ASAP for this Special Event
We would like to invite members of the congregation to join us for the program that will start around 12:30 or for lunch and the program that begins at noon. To enjoy our luncheon, we need a reservation. To make a reservation to attend the lunch, please call or email Brenda Coble by noon Tuesday (6/21). Cost is $10. Brenda's phone #s: home 704-525-0787 / mobile 980-297-4997. We are all looking forward to this special program with our own author of, "The Grand Design." - ASAP planning team
Graduates Celebrated
View the graduates here.
Youth Confirmed
Avondale Adventures Finale
The children sang in worship on Pentecost. Then on June 8, the last program of our spring Avondale Adventures program, the children delivered the food collected to Holy Comforter's food pantry. Pictures and more here.
Would you like to be part of a team to assist a refugee family as they acclimate to life in the United States? Imagine having to leave everything behind in your native home to escape persecution, and relocate your family to a completely different culture with no support system in place. How alone that family must feel. more
Join Avondale for a fun camp! We have a few more spaces open. More. Registration open through July 8.
Did you know this children's ministry partners with our ACE ministry and the Avondale Children's Center?!
Lunches for Homeless
6 spaces open for July 6! Sign-up here.
Volunteer with Worship
Reader, Setup, Nursery, Greeter....more.
Volunteer with VBS
Craft Barn, Game Time, Check-In, Lunch....more.
Volunteer with ACE
Come share your hobby! 
ACE Summer Camps will be held on Avondale’s campus June 21 through Aug 5, Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM. ACE is seeking Avondale volunteers to share their hobbies or interests with campers, especially in the 6th-12th grade age group. Car repairs, woodworking, art, etc....please contact Stefanie Mitchell if interested.

ACE Ministry also needs volunteers to drive the Avondale bus. To volunteer or inquire, contact Stefanie Mitchell.

The ACE Summer Showcase will be August 5 at Mulberry Baptist Church. Volunteer to help set-up, serve, clean-up, etc. More details to follow.

Last summer, scholarships for boys Jaden W and Frederick G enabled them to have a blast at Camp Grier!
Youth Group #WayBackWednesday
Youth Group goes to Harlan, KY
June 19 - 24 - Workcamp, Harlan, KY (Middle & High School Mission Trip)
Pictures: Harlan Workcamps - Wall: 2006 / Youth: 1984
Mission #ThankYou
PWA Mission
"I wanted to say thank you so very much for the support of our Sedgefield students. Avondale Presbyterian church donations have been such a blessing to our students in need. Thank you for partnering with our school. Have a great summer!" Wendy Johnson-Willis, MSW, School Social Worker, Sedgefield Middle School
Avondale Adventures Mission
Thank you to all who contributed! The children’s canned food drive mission project was a success. The children delivered the food to the food pantry at Holy Comforter. pictures
A few Avondale dates:
June 19 - Father’s Day
June 19-24 - Youth Group Mission Trip to Harlan
June 21-August 5 - ACE Summer Camp at Avondale
June 23 - ASAP Meeting, Avondalers invited
July 5 - No July Taizé Prayer Service
July 8 - VBS registration closes
July 17 - Canyon Creek Youth Choir
July 19 - ministry updates due for quarterly Newsletter
July 27 - Avondale Newsletter published
August 1-5 - Vacation Bible School
August 28 - Youth Group kick-off of new season!
Member News
-Sue Haag joined the Church Triumphant
-Amber Cuviello Baptism
-Avondaler hired for Nursery Coordinator
-Members moving from Charlotte
-pictures of Confirmands
ASAP Birthdays
- Join ASAP in celebrating senior members. Here is a list of birthdays for June and July!
-Helene SanDominick is turning 100
-To help Helene celebrate her birthday:
701 Plantation Estates Dr, OBT 255
Matthews, NC  28105-9144
-See all member birthdays in the newsletter.
Staff News / Job Opening
Sadly, Leah Hackworth, our church Financial Coordinator has resigned and her last day is June 23 or 24. Leah has been very knowledgeable and helpful over the last year in her role and we thank her for her time at Avondale and for sharing her gifts. Below you will find the job description for this part-time role. If you know of someone qualified who may be interested, please share it and have them contact Jessica Shanks in the church office.
Member Concerns
If you know of any member concerns or needs, please email Rev. Jim. Please send us your Prayer Requests too.
Member Directory
Our member directory online is updated periodically. For the password, email Caroline. Send us corrections!
Avondale Presbyterian Church
2821 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209
Church Office: 704-333-6194
Avondale Children's Center: 704-377-6960
As a congregation, God calls us to: 
  • Create close relationships to support a dynamic faith
  • Not only serve our neighbors but know them personally
  • Prepare the hearts of children and families to abide in Christ
  • Reduce economic inequities by breaking down barriers to education
  • Develop and demonstrate a sustaining faith