Opportunities to Serve

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Mission Fair

In telling a parable, Jesus said, "whatever you did to the least of these brothers and sisters, you did it for me" (Matthew 25:40). We serve God when we help the least of these in our community. That is why we serve - in grateful response to God's steadfast redeeming love for us.

This Sunday, November 12, after worship, there will be signups for the mission programs in which Avondale participates. Plan to spend a few minutes at the sign up tables, learning about how Avondale serves our most vulnerable communities, and most importantly, sign up to help!  If you have any questions, contact Ann Sanders.

Volunteers Needed

Room in the Inn starts on December 2nd, and will run through March 31st. We need ALL members to step up and help our homeless neighbors. If you have never participated, please consider helping. This is an important homeless ministry in our community. 


Room in the Inn (RITI) is a community wide program, run by Roof Above, to house homeless men, women and children in the winter months - most often in houses of faith. At Avondale, every Sunday evening from December 3 - March 31, we will welcome ten homeless neighbors for a hot meal, a warm bed and send them on their way with breakfast and lunch the next morning.


We will house guests for 18 Sunday evenings and will need volunteers for 214 slots!!  Sign up for more than one task to see what suits you and your family. If you have volunteered before, please consider increasing your commitment. The overnight host is the most challenging to fill, but we have purchased thick foam mattresses for the guests and hosts to enable a better night of sleep.


Pick-Up Guests

Pick-up guests from Roof Above; leave Avondale in church van by 5PM, pick-up guests and return to Avondale by 5:45PM

Overnight Hosts

Serve as Overnight hosts: spend night at Avondale with guests. Arrive at Avondale by 5:30PM, if possible. Will leave after guests leave around 7:00 the next morning.


Prepare, serve and eat* dinner for yourselves, 10 guests & 2 overnight hosts (*can opt to prepare only/not serve and eat) (Church will reimburse for food costs, if desired).


Drop off ten bags with two bananas in each bag with bottled water. Also bring eight Jimmy Dean frozen Southern Style Chicken Sandwiches (or other non-pork, if possible, frozen or fresh biscuit sandwiches), for the overnight hosts to microwave and put in the bags. (They are in the frozen foods breakfast section of the grocery but may be hard to find -so don’t sweat it). Bring by Sunday evening by 5:00 and put the frozen biscuits in the freezer.  (Church will reimburse for food costs, if desired).


Drop-off prepared bagged lunches for 10 guests.  (Church will reimburse for food costs, if desired).


Setup Fellowship Hall for 10guests & 2 hosts; Assemble cots, place foam mattresses on the cot, layout linens/towels and arrange tables and chairs for dinner. Complete by 4PM Sunday


Breakdown Fellowship Hall: Break down and put away cots/tables/chairs and tidy up. Arrive after 7:30 to ensure the guests have left.


Wash Linens and return to church; pickup Monday morning, wash and return to Fellowship Hall by Saturday morning 

Sign Up Here

Blessing Boxes for AC4Ed

Each year, our Avondale youth pack Blessing Boxes for the Alliance Center for Education (AC4Ed) families, including ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal for families of 4, or families of 5+. If you would like to donate food items for these boxes, please sign up below and drop off donations at the church office by Wednesday, November 15 (see special note about turkeys). Many thanks from the AC4Ed ministry team and the AC4Ed organization!

Sign Up Here

Upcoming Events

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Painting Our Prayers

Come and experience the spiritual practice of prayer through painting. Prayers are expressed through spoken word, music, and in writing, but this creative and engaging class will help you to express your prayers through art. Artists (yes, YOU are an artist) of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to participate. Not only will you be encouraged to express yourself through art, you will also learn and develop artistic skills in a supportive environment. Classes are held on the second Monday of each month from 6:30pm – 8:30pm and the next class is Monday, November 13th. Email Cheryl Judd-Magee to register or with any questions.

Charlotte Art Collective 2023 Holiday Show

The Charlotte Art Collective will be on Avondale's campus Saturday, November 11th, between 10am and 4pm. Grab a few early Christmas gifts and support local artisans. A wide range of fine art and crafts will be available from ceramics, fiber, glass, jewelry, and leather to photography, sculpture, woodworking, and painting.


Avondale Senior Adults Program (ASAP) will meet this month on Thursday, November 16th at 12 noon in the Fellowship Hall. Please make special note that we will meet this month on the THIRD Thursday of the month rather than the FOURTH Thursday of the month due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. If you typically have a lunch reservation, you will be called.

Worship at Avondale

"A Vessel of Salvation"

Coming up on November 12, 2023

On Sunday, November 9, 2023, Pastor Jim will be preaching from Matthew 14:22-33. Join us at 10am every Sunday as we worship together with open hearts and open minds. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up-to-date on all of our most recent video uploads. Livestreams are scheduled each week and will appear at the top of our YouTube Channel as "Upcoming Live Streams" and under the "Live" tab.

YouTube Channel

Last Week in Worship

Last week, Pastor Jim preached from Matthew 9:18-26. Avondale also celebrated All Saints Day and remembered the following individuals from our community who have entered the Kingdom of Heaven in the last year: Alex Hegenbart, Mary Anne Hogue, Mickey Melton, Sigrid Sacra, Helene SanDominick, and Henry Stockwell.

Worship November 5, 2023


Congregational Meeting

A Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, November 5, 2023. A report was received from the Nominating Committee concerning a proposed slate of elders for 2024. See below for bios on the nominees for the office of Elder:

Kay Chelena

I have been a part of the Avondale community for more than 26 years. I served as an Elder years ago and have taken on various leadership roles in Congregational Life, Personnel, the Basketball League, and Mission. It has been my intention to serve on the session again, and have accepted the call to do so, beginning in 2024. Avondale holds a significant place in my spiritual and service journey, and I am honored to have the opportunity to serve on session again.

Zoe Reed

Hi, my name is Zoe Reed. I am currently a junior at South Mecklenberg High School. I have been coming to Avondale for Sunday school with my grandparents since I was little. I joined youth group when I was in sixth grade and have been trying to increase my involvement in church since then because it has helped me so much in my personal development and relationship with God. I am looking forward to serving and growing in my faith in the coming year!

Shea Chambers

Avondale has been a special place for me since the first congregational retreat I attended as Zach’s girlfriend in 1997. I wasn’t so sure about all these folks, but soon grew to love them as my own family. I officially joined Avondale in 2001 when we moved back to Charlotte. Since Zach and I met as counselors at Camp Grier, it only made sense that our first place to get involved was with the Youth Group. After taking a few years off when our children were young, I returned to being a youth leader and it is still the place where I get the most joy in community. Over the years, I’ve also served on Christian Nurture, Mission, Congregational Life and Member Care. I’ve played handbells, taught Sunday school for children and adults, coached basketball and spent time on our Sacred Space teams discerning our Sanctuary’s future. These more recent years have been most fruitful as I’ve expanded my faith in the areas of social justice and Christian mysticism within small groups at Avondale. I am grateful for the relationships that nurture, sustain and push me. I am really excited about being called to be a ruling elder again, and I hope to bring my full and true self with gratitude, energy and centered awareness to this place and time in the life of Avondale and the church.  

Andrew Patterson

Andrew Patterson and his wife, Jennifer, and two children, Mac and Leni, have been longtime members of Avondale. Andrew serves actively on the Mission Gathering Team.

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Stewardship Campaign Update

The 2024 Stewardship Campaign continues! We have received pledges from 89 pledging units. We are well on our way to our goal of $600,000 but have a good ways to go! If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, we ask you to prayerfully consider what Avondale means to you. Our goal is 100% participation so, even if you cannot pledge a significant monetary amount, please take a moment to fill out a card. 

Be a Steward!

The Stewardship Committee


Congratulations to Rich Stanley, Avondale's Music Director, and Gary Gotler, Avondale's Audio Visual Tech, who were married on Sunday, October 22nd, in a ceremony at The Hamilton in Charlotte, NC.

Baby Blessing Basket

Madison and Paul Smithwood are expecting their second child and big sister, Bexley, is very excited! We invite you to share in the excitement by contributing to a warm and welcoming Baby Blessing Basket. Use the link below to contribute diapers, wipes, gift cards, and other newborn essentials. Items can be dropped-off at the church office before Sunday, November 19, 2023. If no one is present in the office, items can be placed in the white bins outside the church office doors.

Smithwood Baby Blessing Basket

Baby Blessing Basket

James and Dana Grundler are expecting their second child and big brother, Luke, is very excited! We invite you to share in the excitement by contributing to a warm and welcoming Baby Blessing Basket. Use the link below to contribute diapers, wipes, gift cards, and other newborn essentials. Items can be dropped-off at the church office before Sunday, November 19, 2023. If no one is present in the office, items can be placed in the white bins outside the church office doors.

Grundler Baby Blessing Basket

We are Hiring

Avondale is currently seeking a full-time administrative coordinator. If you, or someone you know is interested in this position, please review the attached job description and email a letter of interest and your resume to Rena Beall. We hope to fill this position on or before October 27, 2023.

Member Concerns

If you know of member concerns or needs, please email Rev. Jim. Please send us your Prayer Requests too.

Our Prayer List is updated continuously on our Worship Bulletin.

Member Directory

Do you use the directory often? Do you prefer a paper copy? We can provide one.

If desired, please contact the office. We will print a copy and mail it to you. Or, open the UPDATED Directory here (same password as the website). Email Jessica for a password, printed copy, or updates.

Serve with:

Roof Above Lunches

Serve with:

Room In The Inn

Serve with:


Avondale Presbyterian Church

2821 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209

Church Office: 704-333-6194

Avondale Children's Center: 704-377-6960


2023 Leadership
Giving To Avondale
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As a congregation, God calls us to: 

  • Create close relationships to support a dynamic faith
  • Not only serve our neighbors but know them personally
  • Prepare the hearts of children and families to abide in Christ
  • Reduce economic inequities by breaking down barriers to education
  • Develop and demonstrate a sustaining faith