Thank you for joining us in this United Call to prayer, fasting, and devotion on behalf of Open Bible Churches. Our desire in to draw nearer to God and pursue His heart.


We enter Awakening 2024 understanding the power and priority that prayer and fasting will have in helping us step into the promise God has for you, your church, and Open Bible Churches in this season (Zechariah 4:6). Knowing the impact of united prayer and fasting compels us to an even greater commitment in these areas of our spiritual walk (Matthew 18:19-20).


These prayer points are not intended to be a lengthy laundry list of things to do, but instead a more singular focus of what we can unite our prayers and faith around. We would encourage you to be led by His Spirit as you pray and intercede with us.


Each day we will have a short prayer point led by one of our leaders. You can find these prayer points on social media, on our website, and through email. Log on and pray with us!

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Day 1 - Sunday, January 14

Humility and Dependence on God

2 Chronicles 7:14


Day 2 – Monday, January 15

Revival and Awakening

Acts 2:17; Matthew 16:18


Day 3 – Tuesday, January 16

Global Impact and Unity

Psalm 2:8


Day 4 – Wednesday, January 17

Developing Leaders

Luke 10:2; 2 Timothy 2:2


Day 5 – Thursday, January 18

Planting Churches

Luke 14:23; Romans 10:14-15


Day 6 – Friday, January 19

Next Generation

Psalm 71:18; 78:6-7

Day 7 – Saturday, January 20

Mission to Multiply

Genesis 1:28; Deuteronomy 8:1; Habakkuk 2:2


You can download a PDF copy of the full schedule and

complete prayer guide here.

Download Complete Prayer Guide

Pastors, Leaders and churches from across the country are joining in a time of United prayer January 14-20. Will you join us, click below to let us know.

Count Me In!

Check out the video!

Resources for Prayer and Fasting

ARTICLE: 7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer

ARTICLE: Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer

ARTICLE: Fasting Basics


Promotional Resources

Awakening2024_16x9 Slide Graphic


Awakening2024_Social Media Story Graphic


Awakening2024_Square Social Media Graphic


More resources and information will be added on our website.

If you want to re-watch the vision video for Awakening 2024,

 you can do so here.