Selacia Article with Updates:

Awakening in The Age of Mega Change
-5 Benefits of Being Alive Now-

by Selacia

Awakening in this age of mega change is different than in any other time. We need new tools and updated perspectives to navigate these moments. Continue reading to grasp the challenges we face and learn 5 benefits of being alive now.


No previous generations could have prepared us to be here now. The level of energetic morphing and challenges is unprecedented. Humanity is being forced to look into the mirror and see the interconnected threads of dysfunction across global society. It's not pretty. What we see won't dissolve on its own.

It's the world - it's us. There is no separation. This is our collective manifestation culminating now.

Our collective disharmony and disunity have come out of the shadows for us to remedy. Our individual enlightenment paths are influenced daily by how we respond to help ourselves and others. Each of us is challenged to take the middle path of reason as loved ones and people across the planet are acting out their anger and fear.

Awakening - The Spiritual Path

Spiritual awakening is an inner journey of becoming present to both your ego-self and your true nature which is divine. This does not occur in one life, but over a series of lifetimes and varied experiences that help you develop enlightened qualities like compassion.

A quickening of awakening can occur as you actively engage with others and witness the actions of people across the world. All of these people are your mirror, helping you to see yourself more clearly. Knowing this, do your best to stay present to people and what is unfolding around the planet - rather than look away and turn off the world with your mind.

5 Benefits of Being Alive Now

Here are 5 benefits of being alive now.

In our interconnected world of instant communications, you have an opportunity to witness love in action during tragedy and hate materializing in suffering. Grow spiritually by witnessing these oppositional energies, going within, and contemplating how these universal tendencies show up in your own life. Examples: how do you express empathy when someone is in crisis; how do you allow your anger to build a wall between you and another person?

The sheer number of people alive now greatly accelerates the pace of spiritual awakening. With acceleration comes a roller coaster of ups-and-downs. No one living now is untouched by this momentum or the fluctuations of highs-and-lows. It can feel dizzying at times, to be sure. However, the overall impact is a huge blessing. After all, we stand at a consciousness pivot point - a historical marker that will determine the fate of life on Earth for centuries to come. This is the moment we came for - to be conscious participants in the biggest shift of all time! Embrace it!

The healing of our ancestors - important to raise humanity's consciousness - is now coming up for review and resolution. This is vital for humanity to evolve and be a shining light for civilizations elsewhere across the cosmos. We have a diverse set of ancestors - from different races and countries across the globe. There indeed was a purpose for these varied cultural incarnations - that we would be "wired" for understanding others who don't look like us or think like us. I suggest that we embrace our diversity, and our long history together on this planet. As we do this, we become divine changemakers that unify and hold space for a world united in love.

Life today is unpredictable and outside our control. That's because so much is changing so fast. Our entire world societal infrastructure is in a mega remake. And it's all happening at once. This is not the kind of crossroads we cannot walk away from - collectively or individually. And while it's certainly not comfortable on most days, let's be heartened that the light is shining so brightly on humanity's vulnerabilities. Only by fully seeing our collective challenge - and the dire consequences if we do nothing - will we have the collective will to act. I suggest that we recommit ourselves daily to being patient and compassionate with ourselves and others - and that we be an example of love in action.

In perhaps no other time has our personal self-care and spiritual practice had such a vital role or been so instrumental to the beneficial impact we can have in the world. Indeed, we must keep ourselves vital and spiritually connected to do what we were born to be and do now. When we prioritize our self-care and spiritual practice, a synergy of beneficial energies supports us. We receive creative ideas and bursts of energy, often seeming to come out of nowhere. We discover that we draw to us helpful people and opportunities we didn't specifically ask for - simply because we are in alignment to receive and intuitively say "yes" and take action.

I look forward to your feedback on this article and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Copyright by Selacia - Writer & Guide for Awakened Souls at Communication for Transformation * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

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Below The Picture Offerings
1-May 14 Selacia's Annual Wesak Global Meditation
2-Divine Changemakers Embody Your Passion Register Now for Evergreen Course
3-Private Sessions with Selacia - DNA Healing & Astrology
4-Subscribe to Selacia on YouTube
5-Staying Connected - Social Media Pages to Follow

The dandelion pictured below is a symbol of human awakening. The dandelion, often described as a weed because it can grow anywhere, symbolizes resilience and the ability to survive adverse conditions. The road to enlightenment is a gradual one; we encounter many adverse conditions along the way. Our ego-self wants to be in charge. We have a higher nature, the part of us that is compassionate and helps others. The dandelion is often associated with this light part of us - the sun shining on our good deeds. With perseverance and dedication, we have the potential to recognize our true Buddha nature and become enlightened.
Selacia's Annual Wesak Global Meditation - May 14
Live & Recorded
Virtual: 6:30-8:30pm Pacific Standard Time
Global group sharing starts: 6:15pm
Selacia's Wesak Global Meditation
Saturday * May 14
Annual Wesak - Followed by Post Wesak June 18
Virtual * Live * Recorded

Focus for 2022 Wesak
  • Tangibly experience enlightened beings like Buddha. Kuan Yin, and Tapihritsa (a Tibetan man who achieved a rainbow body in the 8th C - pictured here) in the sacred etheric Wesak Valley of Tibet
  • Connect with Wesak blessings and an experiential guided meditative journey designed to accelerate your enlightenment
  • Have a personal experience with one of the enlightened beings who set the template for human enlightenment on Earth
  • Participate in a global peace process designed to energize accelerate awakening across the planet
  • Experience sacred sound and a heart opening that opens you to receiving

About Wesak:
Wesak celebrates the divine energy in all sentient life. It celebrates the Buddha nature existing in all beings. Buddha simply means enlightened one - and countless of those beings have walked the Earth over time. The celebration is not about religion or any specific spiritual practice. Attending Wesak is to remember and reconnect with the Buddha nature that is within you - it exists at your core.

See photo below of the Wesak Valley in Tibet.

Don't miss it by registering NOW.
Crystals (optional for registrants): if you have a favorite crystal you want to energetically include in our meditation (live or MP3), designate it in advance of guided process. Not necessary to hold the crystal, but you can if desired.  A quantum grid of healing will be created with the crystals, as part of the planetary healing.

Essential oils (optional for registrants): if you resonate with essential oils, it's recommended that you apply or diffuse therapeutic grade oils. These will raise your frequency and help you experience the healing energies on a deep level. Among the oils often suggested: Young Living's Awaken, Into the Future, Frankincense, Sacred Mountain, Clarity, Joy, Sandalwood, 3 Wise Men, Abundance. The ones Selacia works with are from Young Living. If you are new to aromatherapy or want more information about these oils and how to get yours from Young Living, contact Selacia.

The meditation event MP3, and dial-in codes you receive on registration, are NOT for sharing with ANYONE, including friends and family.

All registrants receive MP3.

Packet & dial-in/codes emailed upon registration. In the packet (a PDF link within the dial-in email) is more background on the meditations and optimal ways to participate.

Note: Global meditations are virtual audio events. Participate from anywhere in the world. On registration, receive email bridge line number for your country. Call in 15 minutes early to connect with live participants from around the world. Live group sharing happens at the very end of the meditation, too, after the recorded portion ends.

Not yet registered for the May 14 Wesak Meditation & June 18 Post Wesak?
Don't miss it! Register HERE.

Seeing this email after the May 14 Wesak meditation and want the MP3?
Note: the day after meditations, the MP3 is available to order on Selacia's website home page - contact her if you don't see it there.
Selacia's Latest Course - Now Evergreen
Divine Changemakers
Embody Your Passion -
Prepare for Your Change in The World

Available Now As Evergreen:
Embody Your Passion
Prepare for Your Change in The World *
*Open to all - no prerequisites

This is a not-to-miss experiential course you will benefit from throughout the 2020s!

Work with Selacia's guided audio downloads of key course processes - giving you an essential tool now and to work with over time.

In general, participating in this course will help you to:
  • Receive spiritually-grounded tools to fully embody your passion and navigate change
  • Become more "at home" with yourself - so you can feel more at home in this world and create an amazing life!
  • Improve your relationships with others and become more comfortable engaging with people in the outside world - personal, business, strangers
  • Further develop enlightenment qualities that accelerate your spiritual awakening
  • Discover how to prepare for your change in the world - in an ongoing way - learning how to see yourself through the eyes of love, regularly update your priorities, and navigate unknowns
  • Receive tools and energetic support that helps you prepare for leaps into new situations
  • Increase your level of self-awareness and tap a deeper level of self-trust in your guidance
Private Sessions with Selacia
Benefit from The Synergy of DNA Healing & Astrology Sessions
Now is an auspicious time for personal and spiritual transformation. We benefit from numerous catalysts that can stir our passion and openness for making mega life changes.

Catalysts include planetary cycles that bring needed insights to light, and the momentum provided by humanity awakening across the planet.

As we become ready to shift how we express ourselves and how we serve, regular inner work and application of spiritual tools keeps us balanced and resourced.

In private sessions, Selacia can support your inner work - helping you to navigate rebirth and fresh approaches to how you live and serve in the world.

There is a synergy involved in combining her DNA healing and astrology sessions. Your astrology will indicate your soul's path and dominant energies revealing potentials for your creative expression. This big picture adds depth and context to healing work that addresses life issues and guidance about progressing on your spiritual path.

Accessing Energy Field Around the DNA
During DNA healing, Selacia is able to intuitively see and connect with the field around the DNA. This field contains a person’s entire akashic map–not only related to this life but beyond. Within that field she is able to discern patterns and beliefs that keep people stuck-–stemming from this life, ancestors, and other lifetimes. The healing work sometimes involves clearing things like ancestral imprints in the DNA. Other times what is seen in the DNA field helps Selacia guide clients in their relationships, and to change their life or work in ways that serve their highest good.

Order your session now at Selacia's website - she will contact you for details/scheduling.

Selacia's Books

In her book Earth's Pivotal Years, Selacia provides understanding of why this is the most important time you could be alive:
"Things previously hidden from view become obvious, and you can access great spiritual openings. This means an expanded view of what you normally see, an expanded perception of feelings, and an expanded ability to move into a higher-vibrational state of consciousness."

"A deeply profound guide for readers on all levels of self-discovery and action. Selacia's sage writing reflects her deep understanding of the paradigm shift we are experiencing..." - Verified Purchase Amazon Review
All you need to read this book is the free Amazon Kindle App installed on any of your devices - once you order the book, it automatically appears in the app on ALL of your devices that you install it - for reading anywhere anytime. 

Contact Selacia for info on aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Ask about therapeutic grade oils to support your immune system, elevate your mood, enhance your meditations, clean your home or office naturally, and raise your frequency. 

May 14 Wesak with the Masters
June 18 Post Wesak with the Masters
July 9 Cosmic Connections
August 13 Full Moon
September 17 Equinox
October 8 Life Force Activation
November 5 Full Moon Eclipse
December 3 Full Moon Year End