Get ready for some great indoor racing on March 25th at Synergy Strength and Conditioning as we compete at the SRA Indoor Championships and enjoy getting back to fun, live racing again. Registration is through Regatta Central and entry is $25/athlete. Includes a t-shirt. Details will be emailed to the club coaches so that athletes from across the province can register.
That same evening we are also celebrating the greatness that is our athletes, volunteers and coaches at the SRA Awards Banquet and Fundraiser. We will be enjoying the festivities at the Lucky Bastard Events Centre. Tickets can be purchased through SaskRowing by emailing The evening includes a buffet style dinner, silent auction and raffles, a live Desert Raffle and of course our awards!
Nominations are now being accepted for SRA'S 2022 Excellence Awards.
Our annual Excellence Awards event is an opportunity to recognize outstanding achievements and contributions by volunteers, coaches and clubs. If you have a volunteer, coach or crew that deserves special recognition for their performance or contributions to our sport, this is your opportunity to put their name forward.
Youth Female Athlete/Crew of the Year
Youth Male Athlete/Crew of the Year
Senior Female Athlete/Crew of the Year
Senior Male Athlete/Crew of the Year
Master Female Athlete/Crew of the Year
Master Male Athlete/Crew of the Year
Mixed Masters Crew of the Year
Member/Volunteer of the Year
Coach of the Year
NOMINATION FORM can be downloaded or visit us at
The deadline to submit nominations for all of the above-mentioned awards is Tuesday Feb 28th, 2023.