April 2021

Saskatchewan Rowing Celebrates 50 Years '1973 - 2023'

2023 marks 50 years of Rowing in Saskatchewan. In honour of our 50th anniversary, we are putting together a retrospective series on the history of Saskatchewan Rowing and the Saskatchewan rowing community. This series is a celebration of all the volunteers, coaches, umpires, athletes, parents, regatta organizers and many more who have worked so hard over the years to build the sport of rowing in our province. We would love to hear from you to help us tell our story of 50 years. Please reach out to Nicole at skrowoffice@gmail.com if you are interested in supporting this project with stories, images or your time on the creation committee.

We look forward to unveiling this over the course of the year. Stay tuned.

Keep up to date with all our latest events and other exciting news at saskrowing.ca under WHAT's NEW and follow us on Facebook and Twitter


Congratulations to our Saskatchewan Rowing High Performance Coach, Andrew Knorr for being awarded the 2022 RCA Coach of the Year. This past year, Andrew led our Junior and U19 athletes to a very successful Canada Games event and many other excellent results at regattas.

Over the past few years, Andrew's leadership was instrumental in creating a system for rowing through and after the pandemic and was instrumental in navigating the many changing rules created by our provincial government.

Andrew has developed a mentorship program for our province to help grow our next generation of coaches. Andrew served as the primary mentor for our other Performance coach certified in the province. He assisted her with preparing for and successfully achieving the certification in a very short time frame.

Congratuations Andrew on your recognition. It is truly well-deserved.


Congratulations to Saskatoon Rowing Club member Dave Ukrainetz who received the 2022 RCA Volunteer of the Year award. Dave has been a member of the SRC Board of Directors since 2015 serving in many capacities including Vice President. He was instrumental in the success of the $480,000 Saskatoon Dock Project where he found and secured a major Government of Canada grant to fund 75% of the project and then fundraised an additional $50,000.

Dave has led many committees over the years including the Bylaw Committeee that saw an overhaul of the organizations bylaws to ensure that the club stayed curent.

Dave is an avid Master rower and outdoor activity enthusiast and is a great example of living a healthy lifestyle! Thanks to Dave and his tireless dedication to the Saskatoon Rowing Club.



March 25th, 2023

Get ready for some great indoor racing on March 25th at Synergy Strength and Conditioning as we compete at the SRA Indoor Championships and enjoy getting back to fun, live racing again. Registration is through Regatta Central and entry is $25/athlete. Includes a t-shirt. Details will be emailed to the club coaches so that athletes from across the province can register.

That same evening we are also celebrating the greatness that is our athletes, volunteers and coaches at the SRA Awards Banquet and Fundraiser. We will be enjoying the festivities at the Lucky Bastard Events Centre. Tickets can be purchased through SaskRowing by emailing skrowoffice@gmail.com. The evening includes a buffet style dinner, silent auction and raffles, a live Desert Raffle and of course our awards!

Nominations are now being accepted for SRA'S 2022 Excellence Awards.

Our annual Excellence Awards event is an opportunity to recognize outstanding achievements and contributions by volunteers, coaches and clubs. If you have a volunteer, coach or crew that deserves special recognition for their performance or contributions to our sport, this is your opportunity to put their name forward.

Youth Female Athlete/Crew of the Year

Youth Male Athlete/Crew of the Year

Senior Female Athlete/Crew of the Year

Senior Male Athlete/Crew of the Year

Master Female Athlete/Crew of the Year

Master Male Athlete/Crew of the Year

Mixed Masters Crew of the Year

Member/Volunteer of the Year

Coach of the Year

NOMINATION FORM can be downloaded or visit us at https://www.saskrowing.ca/awards.html


The deadline to submit nominations for all of the above-mentioned awards is Tuesday Feb 28th, 2023.


It was wonderful to see the faces and hear the names of our Long Service Members at the RCA National Conference Awards Ceremony in Janaury 2023. We are so grateful to have these amazing members in our Saskatchewan rowing community!

RCA Weekend 1 (Virtual) Coach Training

March 16, 23, & 30, 2023

SRA is hosting the RCA Weekend 1 virtual coach training via Zoom March 16, 23 & 30th from 5pm-9pm. This training is ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge of rowing principles and/or are interested in supporting their club or community to develop on water rowing.

Facilitators: Garett Mathiason & Emily Jago

Training Modules

Long Term Athlete Development

2. Analyze performance - Technique Part 1

3. Analyze performance - Rigging

4. Design a Sport Program - Categories of Intensity

5. Movement Screen

6. Plan a Practice

7. Support Athletes in Training

8. Support Competitive Experience - Rules of Racing and LTAD


1. Create an account and register with RCA as a coach (membership.rowingcanada.org)

2. Register in “The Locker” (thelocker.coach.ca)

3. Obtain/verify Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) and provide to your Provincial Rowing Association

ELearning Pre-Requisites

1. Complete NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning Module

2. Complete RCA Rowing Essentials eLearning Module

3. Complete MED module


To register you may go to directly to the Locker, or send an email to skrowoffice@gmail.com

Cost: $50 to be paid by etransfer to skrowoffice@gmail.com


There are so many successes to celebrate this month and we are so pleased to announce the following recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal. They were presented by the Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty on January 30th, 2023.

Bryan Hillis – President of SRA , Active Rower RRC, Chair of RRC Firewood Campaign for more than 20 years. He was recognized for his work in Education.

Donna Ell – Past Treasurer of RRC and Co-Chair Canadian Masters, NWIRA and several Western Canada Sprints Regattas

Marc Ell – Past VP of Equipment and go to man for everything that needs repairing at the RRC

Chad Jedlic – Board Member – RRC and SRA, Boat Repair Man and Coach- RRC, Organizer for Cathedral Village Arts Fundraiser for many years, active rower and parent in the club

Bob Ellard – Bob has a long and storied history with the RRC, SRA and RCA

Mo Bundon – past-President RRC and generous patron of the club

Dave Millar – Past-President RRC, SRA and past RCA Board member, Chair or Co-chair of Canadian Masters, NWIRA, Canada Games , other regattas and several Western Canada Sprints Regattas

Anne Millar – the “St Anne” of our Coaching Launch.Recognized for her work in early childhood education.

Congratulations to all and a special thank you to Dave Millar for sharing this great news with us!

Thank you to our donors and sponsors for your continued support!


Link to our sponsorship program

Your support is always needed!

Thanks to SaskLotteries we are able to continue to offer great sport programming across the province.

We want to hear from you. Give us your feedback on the newsletter, suggest information you would like to see more of and help us get you what you need!

Saskatchewan Rowing | (306)244-7697 | skrowoffice@gmail.com| saskrowing.ca
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