December 2020 | Volume 5
Message from the Superintendent
It is hard to believe we are at the mid mark of our 2020-2021 school year. I, along with the majority of you, truly miss the traditional school activities associated with this time of the year such as elementary student programs, choir performances and caroling, band concerts, etc.

As we conclude our first semester, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the support and grace you have shown over the last several months. The pandemic has impacted all of our families on many different levels, and our faculty and staff have not been exempt from the challenges presented by COVID-19. However, through all of these uncertain times, they have continued to be there to serve the needs of your student(s) and your family on a daily basis.

The impacts of COVID have not slowed down new home construction within the Azle ISD attendance boundaries. New housing developments are quickly progressing all around the district with several more larger developments to be breaking ground soon, both within and outside of the Azle city limits. The recent demographic report, which was presented to our Board of Trustees last month, shows Azle ISD is expected to close 200-250 new homes per year for the next 3-5 years. Our single-family yield of students per household in Azle ISD is 0.50 students per single-family home. The report shows student growth in all five of our elementary attendance zones. The Board of Trustees has tasked our Azle ISD Long Range Facilities Planning Citizen Committee to review the current and future needs of the school district.

I know many of your traditional holiday plans may look different in the upcoming days, but I hope you are able to safely enjoy some time with family.

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Go Hornets!

Todd Smith
Superintendent – Azle ISD
Christmas Break COVID-19 Reporting
The District is asking that any staff members and parents of students who test positive for COVID-19 during Christmas Break complete the District's online COVID-19 Reporting Form as soon as possible.

In addition to reporting positive COVID test results, we are also asking parents and staff members to report any cases of potential close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.

**Individuals experiencing any COVID-related symptoms should not be on campus or any school activities at any time. This includes any individual who may be waiting on lab/test results.**
The online COVID-19 Reporting Form can be accessed and completed quickly using this QR code or by clicking here.

*Please note: Any student/employee that is a "positive COVID case" or a "close contact" should NOT attend school when we return from break. In addition, any student/employee with COVID-related symptoms should NOT attend school when we return from break.

They should wait until they have been contacted by their campus nurse or administrator to return to campus.

As a reminder, "close contact" is generally defined as:
  1. being directly exposed to infectious secretions (e.g., being coughed on); or
  2. being within six feet for approximately 15 minutes throughout the course of a day
Did You Know?
Azle ISD Enrollment as of December 14, 2020:

  • 6,696 students are currently enrolled in Azle ISD

  • 77% of students are receiving in-person instruction; 23% are learning remotely
Azle Hornet Football - Bi-District Champs!
The Azle Hornets are Bi-District Champions after defeating Burleson Centennial 42-35 on Saturday, December 12, at Hornet Stadium.

The Hornets will travel to Lubbock to take on Lubbock Coronado in the Area Championship game at 3 pm on Saturday, December 19, at PlainsCapital Park/ Lowrey Field. Click here to purchase tickets for the game.

If you are unable to attend the game, you can listen live on Hornet Radio through the ChuckFM app or watch live on the NFHS Network.
Holidays & COVID-19: Six Tips to Stay Healthy
The holidays are usually filled with festivities and gatherings with friends and family, but this year, many families are wondering how they can safely celebrate as COVID cases continue to rise.

Children's Health has put together some tips from the experts on holiday gatherings, shopping, travel, and more - as well as ways to help stay emotionally healthy as we navigate this unprecedented holiday season.
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More District Highlights
(Click on title to view slideshow.)
Share Your News!
We love sharing stories about the amazing things happening in our schools and in the lives of our students, staff members, and alumni!

Please email with details of your newsworthy activity or event. Be sure to include names, images, and details!

*By submitting your story/photos, you agree to have it published on our district website and/or social media sites.

December 17 - End of 3rd Six Weeks

Dec. 18 - Jan. 1 - Christmas Break

January 4 - Teacher Workday

January 5 - Beginning of 4th Six Weeks

January 11 - School Board Meeting

January 18 - MLK Holiday

February 8 - School Board Meeting

February 12 - Teacher Workday