"Happy Holidays to you and yours!" - from your Azusa High Staff

Hello Aztec Familia!

Wednesday, January 12th is instructional day #83 and we are 46% done with the school year! We hope that you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with your family!

December includes: Rosa Parks Day, International Children's Day, Human Rights Day, Hannukah, Festivus, National Roots Day, Christmas, New Years Eve, Human Rights Week, Thanks a Soldier Week, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Aztec Scholars are more engaged when staff is prepared with rigorous curriculum and also connect the students culture, personal experiences, and how the student's ancestors helped to shape this nation and the world.

Respecting Tradition...Looking Ahead...Together...AzUSa!
Be safe, be respectful, be responsible!
Along with all the great work we are doing in the classroom, Azusa High is making positive news in the district and the community!
Azusa High Staff and community members pitched in to provide gifts to four needy Azusa High families. Thank you for providing gifts to families in need and brining smiles and tears with gifts under the Christmas tree!
This quote is fantAZTEC and is our "WHY" ... what is your "Why" for being a teacher or Aztec staff and educating our Aztec Scholars?
fantAZTEC Alum! Class of 2002, Christina Castaneda was named Azusa High's Parent of the Year! Ms. Castaneda is Azusa High's Cheer Coach, member of School Site Council, and attends several AHS meetings. She is a fantAZTEC parent and model AHS Alumn! Thank you Christina for all you do for our Aztec Scholars!
AHS 2021-2022 SMART Goals are below.
SMART Goals are created by each department to better understand how each department plans to raise the rigor in all departments to better support the learning and writing for our Aztec Scholars in all classes. 
Aztec Bright Spots...
Check out all the fantAZTEC65 activities at Azusa High!
Thrift Store and pop up shop on 12/15/21 was awesome. We had 20 students check out clothes and 25 sign up with AJCC for more job info. After that, we had 25 students come to the thrift store during after school hours for shopping and to sign up for job info. Such a great event.
Aztec and AUSD MOCHA Students showed off their musical talents for the district!
Aztec Band practicing and preparing for the Winter Performance.
Thank you Aztec Staff for the Aztec Winter Celebration!
Merry Xmas from Andrea Carlos and familia!
Merry Xmas from Mr. Schuster and familia!
Merry Xmas from Ms. Pegorari and familia!
Merry Xmas from Mr. Velasco and familia!
Merry Xmas from the Gomez boys!
Happy Holidays from room 220!
Have a fantAZTEC New Year!
Instruction continues through the end of the first semester!
AUSD Information on the Winter Break Meal Distribution!
The Aztec Gamers' Club began on Friday with Think Together!
AHS is accepting donations for our Thrift Store to provide clothes to our Aztec Scholars. Please consider cleaning out your closet and donating! Email mmartinez6@azusa.org with any questions.
Please recommend any Aztec Scholars that may benefit from any needs and supplies!
If families need support, please have them call "211" to speak to someone that can help with many different issues!
Si las familias necesitan apoyo, pídales que llamen al "211" para hablar con alguien que pueda ayudar con muchos problemas diferentes.
Community Schools team created this AHS Virtual Wellness Room. Students and staff can click on almost any item and be directed to a calming activity. 
Bell schedule. Every Wednesday is Early Release Day.
Aztec Hard Truths...
-Before we can support others we must first take care of ourselves. If you or your family would like to call somebody for support reach out to: 
CARE Solace: https://caresolace.com/site/azusaparents/ or 888-515-0595
Staff EASE support: https://www.lacoe.edu/Home/EASE or 1-800-882-1341
LA County Dept. of Mental Health (DMH) at 1-800-854-7771
Our friends at EASE shared with us their December newsletter - EASE December Newsletter.  This is a friendly reminder to focus on what matters most: our health and well-being. 

-If you feel that you need to call the Child Protective Services Hotline after you speak to a student, CPS can be reached at 1-800-540-4000 if any student shares information that must be reported.

-Please continue to let us know if you see any students with tagging or if you hear any comments about a possible fight. We want to be as proactive and safe as possible!

-Compared to last year at Triad 2, we have 7% less D/F grades in all classes (2020 Triad 2 - 41.76%, 2021 Triad 2 - 34.2%). This is positive news that our D/F marks have reduced - see image below. At the same time, we still have over 34% of all grades in the D/F ranges. Please make sure to reach out (email, phone call, Blackboard, meeting) to students or parents that have D/F grades in your classes so that they can do whatever it takes to pass their classes and be better prepared for second semester.
Aztec Updates
-Readers are Leaders: AHS Intervention Teacher Ms. Bobka surveyed her 50 "at-promise" students she mentors and supports. "I wanted to share some feedback with you that I have gotten from all 50 Freshman about Triad 2.

  • The students know that they have to do better next semester
  • They also know that they CAN do better
  • They have taken ownership of their grades
  • They have started to care about their grades
Hard Truths:
  • Students are tired, feel down, and are stressed after Triad 2
  • Some are ok with their grades
  • Others are indifferent
  • One student stated "After seeing Triad 1 and 2 I feel dumb".
  • Students feel overwhelmed
Areas of Growth
  • They need to know how to do better, not just saying that they can do better.
  • Finding out how to support the students
  • Getting the students to speak up for themselves."

Focusing on the Areas of Growth, let's make sure ALL students feel welcome in your classes by continuing to build community in the class, ensuring all students have opportunities to speak, and continue to build Growth Mindset of our students on daily basis.

-Encourage Aztecs to Use “Paper” 24/7 Tutoring: the website is app.paper.co and they sign in with their student email accounts. Click here for instructions on how to log in and use Paper.

-Show that Aztec Pride: If you are interested in purchasing an Aztec or IB polo, click here to view and purchase a staff shirt.

-AUSD Tip Line - Concerns about the safety of AUSD students, staff, and schools can be anonymously reported via the AUSD Tip Line at bit.ly/AUSDTipLine or by calling 626-331-2302

-Update from Think Together in room 235: Think Together is providing our students virtual tutoring, virtual support, virtual clubs, etc. Email Irlanda from Think Together at azusaHS.ausd@thinktogether.org or <irlanda.hipolito@azusa.org>

-The Azusa Upward Bound Program: is designed to help students navigate the process of preparing for and graduating from college. 
Upward Bound email: trioub@apu.edu
Upward Bound office number: (626) 815-2107
Instagram: @azusaupwardbound
Youtube:TRiO Upward Bound
Aztec Shout Outs!
-Please email me a brief positive or inspiring message or information of an Azusa staff member doing fantAZTEC work that you would like to recognize with a "Shout Out!" (mgomez4@azusa.org)
-"Shout out to organizer Andrea Carlos and the clerks and secretaries for all the support in the Holiday Celebration!" - Ms. Pegorari

Robert Velasco2:15 PM
Shout out to all staff that have supported with adjunct duties.

Shout out to all my aides for all their hard work!!!

Jennifer Gutierrez2:15 PM
Thank you amazing English teachers for all your hard work!!!!!

Joel Montes De Oca2:16 PM
Mr Del Real true Scholar Graduate

Gomez2:16 PM
Shout out to Mr. Brownstead for football league championship! Shout out to Girls XC! Shout out to Band and Regiment for CSBC Gold Medal!

Tanya Alvarez2:16 PM
Shout out to Quad 4, thank you for all of your donations to Family 4!

Shout out to Eric R. Mike H. and Alicia M for supportive collogues

Natalie Adams2:16 PM
Thank you Airena, Brad, and Joel for sharing your lab supplies with me 😀

Maritza Martinez2:16 PM
Thank you English teachers who have welcomed us Community Schools into their classrooms!

Naomi Diaz2:16 PM
Thank you to Andrea Vogel, Eric Olague & Lisa Aguilera who is always, always, always willing to sub!! Appreciate you mucho!

Brad Wong2:16 PM
shout out to Mrs. Natalie Adams for doing so much in the science dept.!!!

Robert Velasco2:17 PM
Shout out to Neli Valenciano for doing a great job of subbing science!

Eric Ruelas2:17 PM
Shout out to Ramona Villa, she has gone above and beyond to cover for aides especially taking on the challenging task of filling in as a one on one. Thank you Mona, I wouldn't keep my sanity without you.

Gomez2:17 PM
Shout out to Leadership Kiddos for Paper App presentations!

Clifford Korzep2:17 PM
Shout out to Mr Calvillo for his hard work with the AP HUG students!

Courtney Louise Ramirez2:17 PM
Shout out to all support staff helping with my newbie questions! And shout out to Danielle Bobka for working with me on student intervention!

Bob Colera2:18 PM
Shout out to the Math Dept, getting our students ready for finals!

Laura Navarro2:18 PM
Shout out to all campus safety for all the support they provide us.

Craig Schuster2:18 PM
Shout out to PE department for giving up your classroom so they can put in lights

Natalie Adams2:19 PM
Shout out to Mr. Yonga for the Christmas caroling

-"Shout out to all of our Aztec classified and certificated staff and students for a fantAZTEC first semester! Let's have a better 2nd semester!" - Mr. Gomez

-"Shout out to AUSD and all of the support we receive from all the district employees! You are fantAZTEC!" - Mr. Gomez
Upcoming Events
1/10/22 Mon - Teacher Prep & Grading Day

1/11 Tues - PLC Day starting in Gym; PLC in Admin Meeting;

1/12 Wed - College Wednesday; Student first day back, Early Release Wednesday - PLC Meeting; Start of 2nd Semester.

1/13 Thurs -

1/14 Fri - Aztec Spirit Shirt Day;

1/15 Sat - COVID Vaccine at Center Middle

1/17 Mon -

1/18 Tues - Admin Meeting; ALT Meeting;

1/19 Wed - College Wednesday; Early Release Wednesday; Department Meeting;

1/20 Thurs -
Aztec Staff will ensure that our Aztec Scholars will be better prepared for their future by creating daily lesson plans that:

-engage students from bell to bell in a safe and welcoming environment;
-support all students and build a positive class community;
-keep students focused with culturally relevant topics and technology;
-infuse planned essential questions that promote collaboration-creativity-critical thinking-communication;
-implement regular checking for understanding;
-and promote student use of academic language and ACES writing.

Further, in order to continue to improve based on the WASC recommendations, teachers and staff members will work professionally with their peers to improve the learning, instruction, and lesson plans based on common assessment data and be collaborative with all Azusa stakeholders.

Let's continue to be safe.


Martin O. Gomez, PhD
Principal and "Lead Learner" at Azusa High School
Check out our website:

Respecting Tradition...Looking Ahead...Together...AzUSa!
Follow us @azusaaztecshs
#weareazusa #aztecscholars #fantAZTEC65

Have a FantAZTEC Day!
"Once an Aztec, Always an Aztec!"
Azusa High School
240 North Cerritos Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702
Phone: 626-815-3401