Honorable Mayor Joseph Romero Rocha delivered his final State of the City Address on January 28th at the Azusa Auditorium. In a video presentation, City Staff highlighted the City's accomplishments in 2019 and gave a glimpse of what's ahead for the City of Azusa in 2020.

According to City Manager Sergio Gonzalez, 2019 has been a significant year of progress for the City. "I'm happy to report that we've made great strides in development, environmental sustainability, infrastructure, community programming and more."

Mayor Rocha was elected to the City Council in 1997 and has served as Mayor since 2007. He is not running for re-election in the March 3rd Municipal Election.

"It was a privilege to serve as Mayor of this wonderful City," said Mayor Rocha, adding that he loved the job, not for its prestige, but for its potential to make the City that he loves fairer, more tolerant, greener, more prosperous and more just. "In my heart, Azusa will always be the greatest place to live, work, play, and pray."