January 2025 B2B

Inaugural edition: Fall 2008

edible Southeastern Massachusetts is a family-run publication deeply connected to the local community.

Since 2008, we’ve been proudly celebrating the flavors and stories of our region through our:

  • cherished quarterly print magazine
  • dynamic website
  • active social media

Our editorial is always crafted with care--by real people--reflecting our deep commitment to celebrating the rich diversity of our local food and drink community.

View the complete newsletter in your browser.

Winter Edition is Here!

The winter issue is available!

We are wrapping up distribution which is done at all hours. Consequently, we are occasionally forced to leave boxes on doorsteps to closed businesses. We also UPS/USPS a few boxes.

If you have not receive your copies please let us know and we’ll get copies to you right away.

January Tip: Check Your Social Links

Look for those icons in your email signature, newsletter footer, and on your website. Click on them! Do they actually work correctly?

Everyday we find links that go to the general social media pages and not your actual business profile. What a lost opportunity to engage....and a negative experience for the consumer. Don't be that business. Look for your icons and click on each one. Do they bring you to your site?

Plant-Based Resources

One of our goals for 2025 is to bring more plant-based information to our readers. We're looking for aligned businesses to join us as marketing partners in order to achieve this goal. If you're interested please email laurie@ediblesema.com.🫛

2025 Themes

Spring: Your Sustainable Sanctuary--the home garden

Possible topics: The vegetable garden, chicken manure as fertilizer, foraging your yard


Summer: From the Sea--appreciating the under-appreciated

Possible topics: Local kelp growers, Irish moss, green crab update, buying sustainably harvested fish, oyster farming/water rights

Fall: Restaurants--menus and memories

Possible topics: Global cuisine locally, new restaurants, hidden gems, chef/employee profiles


Winter: Lunching Locally--mouthwatering mid-day meals

Possible topics: School lunch, school and office lunchboxes, restaurants that feature lunch, farm to school

One Thing

Feedback requested: What’s one thing you think we could do differently, or better, in 2025 to deepen our engagement with our community?

Share Your Feedback

Print Matters: Ads That Work

  • The Power of Attention  
  • Lasting Value 
  • Tangible Trust 
  • You're in Charge 
Great 8 : Reasons to Advertise  

We take pride in keeping our advertising rates affordable, and unlike other local publications, we gladly share them on our website for all to see.

Ad Rates & Dates

If you’d like to join us on the mission to share local food stories to all readers for free, consider becoming a marketing partner today. Let's grab a cup of coffee and chat. Email Laurie to set a time.

Print is the New Vinyl...

giphy image

It's cool again!

eSEMA Rates & Dates
Visit Our Website

Our Rocking Social Life:

Check your links, like the ones below... they should go to YOUR pages!

Facebook  Instagram  Pinterest

Thank you for reading; thank you for caring.

Have a story idea, comment, or question? We want to hear from you! Reply to this email or contact our publisher Laurie directly.