The Tradition Continues...
In 1999 Theodore and his wife, Christine Schwartz, brought their son to visit the University of Miami. While visiting the grounds, Ms. Schwartz fell in love with the School of Business and the couple decided to make a substantial donation to UM to build the School of Nursing. Mr. Schwartz requested that the new school be called after his wife who had also been a nurse. The caveat? That the School of Nursing be designed by the same Architect as the School of Business: Bermello Ajamil & Partners. This would be his gift to her on their 20th-year wedding anniversary.
In 2002, Bermello Ajamil & Partners was selected to design this world-class facility for nursing and health science education. The 53,000 square foot Jerusalem Stone and stucco facility featuring Smart technology was dedicated in 2010 as the M. Christine Schwartz Center for Health Studies. Bernie Horovitz was the Architect and Project Manager.
Fast forward twenty years, and BA has once again been selected by UM to develop an expansion master plan study of the facility. We will be working with UM under the direction of our former team member, Mike Sardiñas, now Senior Architect for the university. This master plan study consists of two new 3-story expansions over the existing 1-story spaces. The program will include the relocation and expansion of the behavioral research department to a new space as part of Phase 1 - Research Tower expansion. Phase 2 of the program will include the expansion of classrooms, office and support spaces.
BA is honored to continue at the forefront of the design of this noble and proud building. Our Partner, Architect and VP of our Healthcare Studio in South Florida, Luis Sousa, is the Project Manager for this new effort.