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Welcome to BAB's Policy Update for November 2019.
Early in November the London team went 'Off To The Races' with our friends at EY for a panel discussion on the 2020 US Election - more info (including an event summary if you weren't able to attend) below.
BAB launched its latest position paper on Digital Tax -
Taxing the 21st Century Economy – Towards a Multilateral Approach
, which outlines a number of recommendations on how to create a fair, modern and global framework for taxation.
BAB also signed its name to the Paris Call for for Trust and Security in Cyberspace this month, joining stakeholders from the public sector, private sector, and civil society in offering a list of priorities to ensure a secure and trustworthy future in cyberspace.
BAB London Goes 'Off To The Races' With EY
5 November 2019
On 5 November, BAB London went 'Off To The Races' for a panel discussion on the 2020 US Presidential Election, hosted and sponsored by members
While the panel discussed the political divisiveness governing areas like global trade, taxes and the economy, immigration, and healthcare, we learned that there are still areas for optimism, with voter turnout expected to rise in the 2020 election, and that there is still bipartisan consensus around the desire for stability in the US electoral process.
We thank our friends at
for sponsoring and hosting the panel event, our moderator Yasmeen Serhan, Staff Writer at
The Atlantic
, and our panellists Kate Barton,
Global Vice Chair, Inge Kjemtrup, Chair,
Democrats Abroad
, Sarah B. Elliott, Chair,
Republicans Overseas
, Professor Michael Cullinane,
University of Roehampton
, and BAB’s own Theo Bachrach for informing us all ahead of the 2020 Election.
Weren't able to join us? Check out a summary of the event
BAB Publishes its Position on Digital Services Taxation: Taxing the 21st Century Economy – Towards a Multilateral Approach
BAB published its position on taxing digital services, including a number of recommendations on how to create a fair, modern and global framework for taxation.
The paper, produced by BAB in consultation with its members, stakeholders from the OECD, governments, and academia, concludes that whilst the process of creating a fair framework for taxing digital profits is, and will continue to be, difficult, there is nonetheless cause to be optimistic; stakeholders should use the renewed momentum behind a global solution to refocus their efforts behind the current OECD proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One.
You can read the paper in full
US Ambassador to the UK Visits BAE Systems
24 November 2019
In November, US Ambassador to the UK Robert Wood Johnson visited BAB members BAE Systems to meet engineering staff at one of BAE's UK's plants.
BAE Systems is the UK's largest Security and Defence companies, with over 34,100 employees across 50 sites in the UK, and supporting over 124,000 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs.
The US subsidiary, BAE Systems, Inc is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.
Photo Credit: Ambassador Johnson (@USAmbUK) -
BAB Signs The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace
12 November 2019
BritishAmerican Business joined stakeholders from the public sector, private sector, and civil society and signed The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace. The Paris Call recognizes that the digital revolution has brought tremendous opportunities but also security risks and challenges.
Cyberspace is at the heart of our social, political, economic, cultural lives. Securing this environment is therefore not just a niche interest for IT professionals, and instead requires a society-wide approach and commitment.
For more information on the Paris Call,
click here.
Duncan Edwards Comments in Telegraph Article on US Visas and British Investment
27 November 2019
BAB CEO Duncan Edwards commented in an article by The Telegraph
British entrepreneurs hit by Trump’s America First approach to visas'.
“We have seen a tightening up over the last two to three years and it has been across all classes of visas even though there has been no change in the law and no changes in regulations,”
“We are seeing more requests for further information. The US remains the number one destination for companies looking to expand. The attractiveness of the US market is enormous along with the ease of doing business.
“I think they believe by restricting the supply of skilled labour and encouraging companies to employ Americans, they can push up median wages."
Policy & Public Affairs Manager - BT
London, United Kingdom
T is recruiting for a Policy & Public Affairs Manager responsible for executing and helping develop BT’s strategy to secure Government/Parliamentary support in the key policy areas that underpin future innovation and growth – including R&D/technology, wider industrial strategy and economic policy.
Thank you for reading this month's Policy Update. If you have any feedback or comments, please
contact us.
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