- Interview: How to Live Forever by Marc Freedman
- March 21 Freedman Book Talk
- Introducing Sara Stanton, BAC Intern
- Author! Author! BAC Member News
- Yesteryear at the BAC: Amy Lowell's Travelling Poets
Featured Author: Marc Freedman
Marc Freedman will be talking about his best-selling book
How To Live Forever: The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations
at Boston College
Thursday, March 21, 2019, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA
This event is free and open to the public. For details and registration information, use this link:
You founded Encore.org in 1998 with a goal of helping make the decades of life beyond 50 become a time of social contribution and impact. In a sense, you have been living the message of
How to Live Forever
for the past 20 years. What motivated you to write this book at this time?
A: Turning 60 had something to do with it, but, really, it was a movie that pushed me to write the book.
Keep On Keepin’ On, a documentary released in 2014, follows the relationship between jazz great Clark Terry, who is in his 80s, and Justin Kauflin, a blind piano prodigy in his 20s. When Clark began to lose his sight to diabetes, a student introduced him to Justin. That meeting led to an extraordinary friendship — and a two-way mentoring relationship. Over the years, Clark taught Justin everything he knew, and Justin gave Clark a reason to live and a way to live on. To this day, the film has a deep emotional hold on me. It captures so many important lessons about how to nurture the next generation.
Q: Can you explain the book’s title?
A: I’m appalled by the Silicon Valley tech titans who are investing millions in plans to radically extend life and even eliminate death entirely. Real happiness and understanding begin not with denying or defeating death. The only true way to endure is to accept our mortality and with it the wisdom that we are a species designed to live on…just not literally. We do so by passing on, from generation to generation, what we’ve learned from life. By investing in and connecting with the next generation, not actually trying to be that generation. That’s how we live forever.
Q: Who is your main audience for the book? How do you hope readers will respond?
A: I’d love it if all the people who read Atul Gawande’s book,
Being Mortal, would read
How to Live Forever. Gawande urges people to acknowledge their mortality and, in their last few months or years, do the things that matter most to them. I’d like people to acknowledge their mortality and live for
decades doing the things that matter most to them. I’d like longer lives to be seen as a force for good.
I hope readers will finish the book inspired to create relationships across generations. You can sign up for ideas on how from
Gen2Gen, Encore.org’s campaign to mobilize 1 million adults 50+ to stand up for — and with — young people today. Of all the things that divide us, the gap between old and young is arguably the most bridgeable.
Q: How did you manage to fit a book-length project into your schedule? Any words of advice for aspiring authors who are juggling a full time job and a family about making time for writing?
A: I’m very fortunate to have a job that includes time for writing. That said, if you read the book’s
introduction, you’ll see I’ve got a lifelong problem with time management. I may be the world’s worst person to give advice on this topic!
Q: Are you enjoying the book talks and promotional events? Have there been any surprises or new insights so far in the questions and comments you have received from readers?
A: I’m enjoying the talks immensely! I’m heartened and inspired by the people who come up to me afterwards and tell me about all the innovative ways they’ve found to build bridges to younger generations. In writing the book, I worried about whether we have the makings of a real movement here. As I talk about the book across the country and the world, I’m convinced that we do. We just need to uncover it.
Q: Is it too soon for you to be thinking about a next book – or does that beckon sometime in the future?
A: It’s too soon. It may always be too soon.
Interview by Mary Cronin
Christopher Klein's latest book,
When the Irish Invaded Canada,
will be published by Doubleday on March 12. The book tells the incredible true story of a band of famine refugees who immigrated to the United States, fought on both sides of the Civil War, and undertook one of the most fantastical missions in military history: to seize the British province of Canada and to hold it hostage until the independence of Ireland was secured.
Christopher will be speaking about his book at the following locations this month:
Lawrence Heritage State Park March 3
An Unlikely Story in Plainville March 12
Memorial Hall Library in Andover March 18
Falmouth Museums on the Green March 21
Weymouth High School March 27
he BAC newsletter is published the first week of every month. Please send news about your activities, speaking, and new books (along with related pictures) to
by March 28 for publication in the
April 2019
Yesteryear at the BAC by Scott Guthery
Amy Lowell's Travelling Poets
The Boston Authors Club Julia Ward Howe prize is the oldest literary prize named after a Boston literary figure but it is not the only one. The Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship was inaugurated in 1953 and the George and Anna Eliot Ticknor Book and Book Culture Collecting Prize was established just this year.
In his entry in
Notable Boston Authors: Members of the Boston Authors Club 1900-1966,
John Holmes writes ``I have the odd distinction of being the only living ex-Amy Lowell Travelling Poetry Scholarship holder.'' Ex here means that Holmes was disqualified after he had been awarded the prize. Odd, indeed. If the prize had been clawed back due to a scandal of some sort, it seems unlikely that Holmes would be touting this dubious distinction.
In 1955 when Holmes fleetingly held the scholarship it amounted to $2,000. Today it is worth $60,500. But here's the catch as set down in Lowell's will: ``By accepting the scholarship, the recipient shall agree with the trustees to spend one year outside of the Continent of North America ... payments [under the scholarship] shall cease if the recipient during the year returns to the Continent of North America for any reason...'' This sounds like like a banishment, however comfortable.
In fact, it was this covenant that led to Holmes having to relinquish the prize. He had planned to take his family to Dublin but problems associated with a whole year away from Boston were insurmountable. The 1955-1956 prize eventually went to a professor of English at University of Massachusetts--Amherst, Joseph Langland. Langland established the MFA for Poets & Writers at UMass Amherst, a program that is still going strong today.
Three other recipients of the scholarship resigned in recent times, and presumably had to return the monetary award; Nicholas Christopher, Reginald Shepherd, and Mark Wunderlich. Christopher resigned the 1983-1984 prize but made a come-back and was able to stay away in 1986. In case you're curious, the 2019-2020 winner was Anne Pierson Wiese of Sioux Falls, SD. According to the award letter, Wiese was ``chosen from among 295 applicants.''
If you'd like to be considered for Lowell's travelling scholarship, it’s still administered by the Lowell family, currently by William A. Lowell, Co-Trustee under the Will of Amy Lowell. You can drop Mr. Lowell a written request at Choate, Hall & Stewart, appropriately located at Two International Place in Boston, or visit the scholarship's web page at:
. The email contact provided is
. If you get a reply from Amy, please let us know.
BAC Intern Sara Stanton Says Hello
Hello Boston Author’s Club! My name is Sara Stanton, and I am working as an intern with the BAC this spring semester. I am a senior Creative Writing major and Spanish minor at Lesley University in Cambridge, and I am so excited for this opportunity.
As an intern here, my work is never dull. So far, I’ve compiled a list of venues for author events as well as a list of Boston authors eligible to apply for the Julia Ward Howe Award. Some future projects are updating the club’s social media pages, mainly Facebook. I hope to get to some events as well in the upcoming months, and I look forward to meeting more BAC members.
The BAC is the perfect place for me, so thank you so much for welcoming me! I couldn’t ask for a better internship. My goal after graduation is to become a published author myself, writing YA books. Someday, I hope to be a BAC author member!
Spring Is Coming - 2019 Membership Reminder
Full membership dues are $50 annually and Associate memberships are $25 annually for the calendar year. If you renew or join any time during 2019, you will be a paid up member through December 2019. You can join and renew online by
clicking here
. If you would rather pay by check, please make your check out to Boston Authors Club and mail it to the following address:
Nancy Tupper Ling
Boston Authors Club
1600 Providence Highway #247
Walpole MA 02081
| BOSTON AUTHORS CLUB | bostonauthorsclub@gmail.com|