What Are We Thankful For This Year?
Can you believe we are already midway through Fall and Thanksgiving is right around the corner? As we come upon this holiday of thanks, we want to extend our appreciation and gratitude to our community members and staff.

We know that these past few years have not been easy for anyone. The staff here at BAC and BJAC are working hard and bringing our department's resources together to breathe new life into the center. We are ever grateful for our community support.

Please read on for a few more things on our list of gratitude this year!
DΓ­a de los Muertos at Barnsdall Art Park
Thanks to everyone who came to our Day of the Dead workshop and exhibition at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery. We are glad we could commemorate and honor all of those that have passed from our community with you.
Retiring Teacher Spotlight - Naomi Buckley
Though we are sad to announce the departure of Naomi Buckley from our incredible Barnsdall faculty, we are filled with appreciation for her time here. We wish her the best for her future. Here is the story of her journey and time at Barnsdall – in her own words: 
β€œI taught the assemblage and collage class at Barnsdall Art Center. I started teaching at Barnsdall in 2003. I actually can't remember the exact date sometime around there. The running joke in class was I had been teaching for ten years, but I said that every year…” (click here to read the full story).
Ongoing Construction and Renovation
The ongoing renovation and construction of our facilities is high on our list of gratitude. We are excited to see the facility's sparkling fresh facade as the scaffolding comes down, and we cannot wait to welcome you all back to a new and improved center. Big thanks to Rec and Parks Forestry Division for removing the sprawling and invasive ivy from our lower-level exterior, and to GSD for power washing to make it shiny and new. In addition to the exterior facelift, BJAC is getting new floors in some of our studios after decades of wear and water damage. More renovations are to come, and we are excited to share them with you.
Thank you for reading our quarterly newsletter. We extend our deepest gratitude to you for keeping in touch with us at the BAC and BJAC. We hope you have a wonderful upcoming Holiday season!

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Barnsdall Junior Arts Center is a facility operated by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.