Action Alert #1 - COP14
March 28, 2019
Just Two More Ratifications Needed to Ensure a COP14 Ban Amendment Celebration
It is almost time to celebrate! After 23 long years the finish line is finally within sight for the world's most important instrument for global environmental justice -- the Basel Ban Amendment.
Following Namibia's very welcome August ratification last year, we now need but 2 more ratifications -- to ensure the Ban Amendment's entry into global force. Of course, those 2 ratifications need to come from those countries that were Parties, present and voting at COP3 which took place in 1995.
How Amending the Convention Works

According to the Convention's Article 17 and the Country Led Initiative decision adopted at COP10 interpreting it, 3/4 of the Parties that were present and voting at COP3 (1995) when the Ban Amendment was adopted, are needed to put the amendment into force.
If your country is in the list of 23 countries below that were Parties in 1995 but that still have not ratified, you have a unique opportunity to act today to have your country be one of the two that ensures the Ban Amendment crosses the finish line.
Costa Rica
Democratic Republic of Congo
New Zealand
Republic of Korea
Russian Federation
St. Kitts and Nevis
United Arab Emirates
90 Parties were present and voting at COP3. 3/4 of 90 is 67.5, or rounded up, 68. Currently we have 66 Parties from this list of 90. Thus, we need but 2 more!
If we get the two deposited by COP14 then the Entry into Force of the Amendment (which happens 90 days after the deposit of 68) will be guaranteed and there will be cause for celebration at COP14.

Bear in mind that although treaty ratification is a political act, your department or agency has a role to play in initiating the effort by raising the opportunity with your Minister or your permanent representative in Geneva. Please contact the Basel Secretariat's legal office for full instructions on precisely how to deposit your instrument of ratification and be ready to state your country's intention at COP.
At COP10 announcement the Country Led Initiative success which allowed for the timely entry into force of the Ban Amendment, was achieved. The COP14 announcement of actual entry into force will be the most significant day in the Convention's history. Let's make it happen. Copyright BAN 2011.
Let's Get the Last Two in the Door by COP14
This will be an historic event. Already, Basel is celebrating its 30th Anniversary. At the same time lets make the most important global achievement of Basel, the Ban Amendment, a reality to celebrate as well!