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Thursday, January 11, 2024 | 1 Shevat 5784 | Parshat Va'eira

Parshat Va'eira

Rabbi Moshe Lexier

Judaic Studies

Recent Events

YOC Mishmar

On the Thursday before winter break, Mishmar was held! Students picked between "Tischmar" - singing, divrei torah and words of Chizzuk - or "Schmoozemar" - meaningful conversations and chabura learning with Rebbeim. YOC 2018 graduate Shaya Lexier made a special appearance at the Tisch, where he sang a few of his songs.

View more photos on Facebook

UO Middot Recognition

Monthly Middot for this month: 

Grade 9 - Elliya Amouyal  

Grade 10 - Lily Smolack

Grade 11 - Ruth Bohm

Grade 12 - Rachel Roberts

Well done to all students who have brought such positivity and demonstrated excellent middot this month! Mazal tov!

Upcoming Student Programs and Announcements


Monday January 15th and no Matmidim scheduled on Wednesday January 17th

The Weeks Ahead

Wednesday, January 17 - Friday, January 19

UO & YOC mid-year assessments

Wednesday, January 17

UO & YOC Grade 9 & 10 dismissed at lunch

YOC Grade 12 Bar Ilan presentation at breakfast

UO Grade 12 Midreshet Tehillah presentation at breakfast

UO Grade 12 Bar Ilan presentation at lunch

Thursday, January 18

UO & YOC Grade 11 & 12 dismissed at lunch

YOC no Mishmar

BAS Midyear Assessment Schedule 2023-2024


YOC Junior and Senior Knights Basketball

Tuesday, January 16: YOC Jr. basketball at Bishop Allen 2:00-4:30pm

Alumni Corner & Mazal Tov


Baby boy to Rena (Schweitzer ‘19) and Yehuda Bessner

Baby girl to Adir ('07) and Dara Dishy

Baby girl to Sarah (Judelman ’19) and Yair Kimmel

Baby girl to Rachel (Hirchberg '08) and Ilan Melchior

Baby boy to Yardena (Davis '97) and Kobi Rosen ('03)


Daniella Konert ('21) and Yaakob Bendayan ('17)

Noa Muscat ('19) and Elazar Cramer

Israel Ulpana Class of 2023 Reunion Shabbaton

The Ulpana Class of 2023 had a reunion Shabbaton in Israel over winter break. Highlights included: davening at the Ohel Ari Shul with special guest Rav Hershel Schachter of YU; enjoying delicious meals at our hosts (and former UO grads) the Koschitzkys and the Gitlers; a wonderful Friday night tisch at the home of recent UO grad, Leora Tenenbaum; hearing beautiful and thought-provoking Divrei Torah from Sarah Romi-Babany, Hadassah Strauss, Sasha Aaron and Yasmin Rutman; an incredible Seudah Shlishit and slow Shira at Morah Efrat’s Mother’s home, and a musical Havdallah to conclude Shabbat.

Thank you so much to the generous sponsors of our Shabbaton. And a tremendous thank you to Morah Efrat and her family for arranging our meals, accommodations and rides to and from the Raanana bus terminal.

Follow the BAS Alumni Association on Facebook and Instagram for more alumni news!

In Pictures

Mr. Yoni Gelband, BAT Shaliach & BAS Judaic Studies teacher, addressed YOC on Tuesday about his experience being called back to Israel as a reservist to serve in the IDF. It was a very engaging talk.

UO Grade 10 Evening

Morah Aleeza and Rav Avishai had grade 10 students over to their house for dinner and a shiur. They ended the evening learning about head coverings and learning how to tie mitpachot.

Rosh Chodesh Shevat

YOC students welcomed the new month, Rosh Chodesh Shevat, by dressing up in their most stylish clothing.

Dr. Levy: Volunteering in Israel

This past winter break, Dr. Levy travelled to Israel to go to Kibbutz Nir Oz and surrounding farms to volunteer. One example of her volunteer efforts was working at a dairy farm near Nir Oz. People from Israel and around the world have been rotating in to volunteer at the farm. Coverage of the volunteer efforts were published in an article by NPR, which can be found by clicking here.

Register Now For The Second Annual BAS Frozen Classic Hockey Tournament! 

The deadline to register for The Second Annual BAS Frozen Classic is today, January 11th!

Join one of our seven participating teams before time runs out. Just click the link below to reserve your spot in this exciting tournament.

Click here to register!

BMZD Announcements

Bnei Akiva of Toronto Announcements

Community Announcements

Ever since October 7 the shows of support for Israel from Jews across the globe have been a huge source of strength for soldiers and their families. The success of our army on the battlefield depends greatly on the stability and resolve of the home front, and a new initiative ,“MEALuim” helps maintain high morale. MEALuim easily enables communities and individuals to send a weeknight meal to families whose parent is serving in the IDF.  One less meal to prepare each week lightens the parents’ heavy loads, brings smiles to the faces of the longing children and reminds Israeli families that they have friends – even very far away – who want to do what they can to share the burden. Become a neighbor across the ocean—simply choose the size of the family and how many weeks you want to send a delicious meal. MEALuim will do the rest! Register here 

Volunteers needed: JNF Canada Annual Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon

The Annual Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon will be taking place on Sunday January 28th with follow up nights on Monday January 29th and Wednesday January 31st.    


The info is as follows:


Location: JNF Offices, 1120 Finch Avenue West, Suite 400


Shifts: Sunday January 28th – 10 am to 12:30 pm and/or 12:30 pm to 3 pm.

Follow ups on Monday January 29th and Wednesday January 31st from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. 


Kosher food and snacks will be available.    


Please bring your own phone as there is limited availability with office phones.


This year’s Telethon will be in support of a memorial in the Beeri Forest for those who perished on October 7 as well as a campaign to support Kissufim.


The link to sign up as well as more information is on the JNF Toronto Website:   

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