Technical Communique 
January 25, 2021

BASIS International Ltd. releases BBj®, the Barista® Application Framework, and AddonSoftware® by Barista version 20.31. Version 20.31 incorporates all customer requested fixes listed in the Fixes file.

This release also moves BASIS Eclipse Plug-ins to a composite URL model from a separate URL model. Previously each plug-in collection had to be installed from a different P2 repository URL. Now a combined or composite URL model has all of BASIS' Eclipse plug-ins offered from a single URL. This model will help to ensure that we avoid version-mismatches between the plug-ins, as well as simplify the process of installing multiple plug-ins in Eclipse.  It is also the first step towards a future goal of offering multiple versions of the plug-ins instead of only the newest. The new composite model is documented on BASIS' Eclipse Plug-ins help page.

Additionally, BASIS is releasing BBxServlets as a 21.0 preview feature. The BBxServlet class provides improved servlet functionality that was previously offered by BBj and BBjsp servlets. BBxServlets are designed to offer more intuitive deployment, better usage of licenses, improved error handling, and longevity of support while providing all of the functionality of previous servlet implementations. HERE is the BBxServlet Tutorial document in progress.

Download 20.31 today and for additional details, refer to the readme, relnotes, and fixes files.
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BBj, BBx, AddonSoftware, and Barista are registered trademarks of BASIS International Ltd.