August 2019
Volume 17.2
Photograph of four empty adirondack chairs facing the ocean
Tofino BC; Photo by James Wheeler from Pexels
Actions & Achievements

BC ELN recently released a suite of reports on its key services Arca, AskAway, OutLook OnLine, and WriteAway. These reports are short and sweet, highlighting the wonderful outcomes that collaboration brings. We invite you to check them out and share broadly with your colleagues: 

Four covers of actions and achievements reports. From left to right_ Arca_ AskAway_ OutLook OnLine_ WriteAway
BC ELN at the BC Library Conference

BC ELNers Leigh Anne Palmer and Sunni Nishimura presented recently at the 2019 BC Library Conference. If you couldn't make it to one or either of our their sessions, we've got your recaps and takeaways here...

No Villains, Only Partners: A Cooperative Approach to Resource Negotiations
Cartoon image of two superheroes raising their hands to the sky Leigh Anne Palmer, Licensing Manager at BC ELN and eHLbc, challenged participants to question the common approach in licensing negotiation that makes librarians the heroes and vendors the villains. Using a modified Liberating Structure called TRIZ, Leigh Anne laid out strategies for engaging in negotiations with vendors that are less about winning and more about creating and cooperating.
Why would this be important to libraries?
Leigh Anne: "The library profession is not based on adversarial relationships -   that approach doesn't   match  our professional values of service, cooperation, outreach and community building.   Vendors and librarians  all have the same aim - to put information into the hands of users. Building partnerships   when negotiating is  ultimately  a more fruitful way to achieve   short and long term goals."

Wh at's something library staff can do to move towards this approach?
Leigh Anne: "Ask questions; have an inquisitive mind. Ask vendors: 'Why is pricing like this?'   Also, learn more about what is driving vendors and reps. And remember, vendors are not their companies; they 're  people too!"
We'll Get There Together: Launching Collections into the Future with Arca, BC's Collaborative Digital Repository
Cartoon image of a crowd. One person in has their arms around others Sunni Nishimura, Arca Partnerships Coordinator at BC ELN, Paige Hohmann, Archivist at UBC Okanagan and Heidi Rampfl, Collections Manager of Gulf of Georgia Cannery presented a panel discussion and shared their experiences with the innovative collaboration models between Arca and the BC History Digitization Program (BCHDP) and the Digitized Okanagan History (D.O.H.) Project.
Why would this be important to libraries?
Sunni: "Arca is a great example of collaboration between sectors, and how it can grow. The focus in our session was on the hub and spoke model that Arca uses. In short, it's a concept where very small organizations benefit from having their content aggregated into a hub, and then that hub is discoverable at a higher level. It leverages the infrastructure that we have in place for bigger sites and extends it to benefit smaller sites as well."
What's something library - or GLAM - staff can do to learn more?
Sunni: "Contact me! I'm here to answer questions and talk with anyone who wants to learn more." You can reach Sunni at:
Illume logo with balloons
ILL for U and ME

Let's show a little love for interlibrary loans, shall we? Imagine: you've found THE perfect... book... article... DVD... but your library doesn't have it. Well, turn that frown upside down because thanks to libraries working together, and many (many many) moving parts behind the scenes, you can have that item delivered to your preferred library through interlibrary loan. Amazing!
In BC, that "behind the scenes" part has been taken care of since 1999 by OutLook OnLine, the technical and support infrastructure that underpins resource sharing. We are delighted to announce that while the service remains as reliable as ever, it is now called Illume! The new name reflects the way finding (and getting) the information we need is like a light turning on in our lives and minds. Happily, the rebranding coincides with a major upgrade to version 6 of Illume's underlying SHAREit software, which will streamline future enhancements and increase security of the software. We invite you to check out the new website, and Discover BC Libraries!
On left Brandon Dwyer_ on right Andrei Bondoreff_ both smiling at camera
Meet BC ELN's Ministry Representatives
by Leah Hopton

Meet Brandon Dwyer and Andrei Bondoreff from the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training. Brandon and Andrei are BC ELN's representatives at the Ministry, supported by their broader teams which are collectively responsible for BC ELN's policy, accountability, and planning. I had the chance to meet up with Brandon and Andrei at the recent Steering Committee meeting, and I asked them to tell me more about themselves and what excites them about having BC ELN in their portfolios.
Brandon Dwyer, Intergovernmental Relations and Corporate Planning
BC ELN moved into Brandon's accountability and planning portfolio when the Ministry reorganized last year. He has been with the Ministry for fifteen years in a number of different areas, including student aid, strategic human resources, and corporate planning. Brandon's enthusiasm for BC ELN is clear: "When I go back and speak with my peers in the government, I'm excited to talk about the impact BC ELN is making," he explains.
What you might not know about Brandon: he has a passion for building! His latest projects include retiling his roof and building a shed.  
Andrei Bondoreff, Post-Secondary System Policy and Liaison Branch
Before joining the government, Andrei spent several years teaching English (and some Russian) in Japan, and later worked as a journalist. What started as a co-op with the Ministry of Advanced Education eleven years ago evolved into a position, and he has been there ever since. Andrei has had BC ELN in his policy portfolio for a few years now, and his interest in the consortium is strong. "Libraries are at the core of post-secondary education," he says, "and BC ELN adds real value to the system and to the success of students."
What you might not know about Andrei: he loves cooking... His favourite meal is borscht, "but it has to be my mom's."
Cartoon image of a microphone
Great Opportunity for BCHDP Grant Recipients!

Spread the word: BC's libraries, museums, archives, and galleries with BC History Digitization Program-funded materials are eligible for no-cost, fully supported hosting of those materials in Arca, BC's award-winning collaborative digital repository. Join us for a brief 20 minute webinar to learn more about this unique opportunity. Register at:

Feel free to share this webinar link to others in your network who may be interested. Contact Sunni Nishimura, Arca Partnerships Coordinator, if you have questions: