Service Times

9:30am Sunday in person or on ZOOM


Whoever you are and wherever you are

on life's journey, 

you are welcome here!

Important Notice

After months of planning and negotiating to provide our church building with HVAC and a renovation of the downstairs area, the renovation project has been approved by the Council with the recommendation from the Finance and Property Ministries. The Council is calling a congregational meeting for June 12 at 10:30am to vote on the plan and its funding. Members of the congregation who have yet to vote, can do so at worship. 

From the Pastor

Deadlines. I love them and I hate them. I love them because they help me order my time and figure out what has to be done first. Some of you know that I keep a white board in my office to track of all the threads of church life, to make sure that we stay on course. Deadlines are also an enemy, because they drag our attention away from being present in the moment. This season, when the days are long and the sun and the birds are calling to come out and play, we really need a moment. I spent some time this week just people-watching; noticing gait and facial expression and body language. Everyone seemed to be going somewhere with a purpose. Not in a hurry, exactly (it's Vermont, after all). But with a mission. Thank heavens for that, because there has been plenty to do as we move from social isolation to working, shopping and meeting.

I hope in the next few weeks, you will also take some time away from your phone, away from the honey-do list on the fridge, to be somewhere that feels timeless to you. Our souls have a schedule of their own. If we don't plan some time to dis-connect, to let go of our planning and just exist in the world, we can't hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us and through us. It is by listening to our deepest selves that we find the wisdom and strength to order our lives so that what seems urgent doesn't crowd out what is truly important.

You wouldn't want to miss a chat with a beloved family member, or the sight of clouds scudding across the mountains, or a sweet, stolen moment with the person you love. Take a moment. The world can wait.

Pastor Leigh

Visit our Website

Masking policies as Voted by Council

The council makes masking optional, but encouraged for Sunday services and meetings in the church building. The council will reverse this decision if necessary upon the advice of the parish nurse.

The council is no longer requiring contact tracing. We encourage people to notify the church and self-report if they test positive for covid-19. Their names will be kept confidential. The congregation will be told that there is a positive case of someone who has been in the church building. This gives people the choice of whether to attend in person or via zoom.

Our parish nurse has been following the guidance of the CDC. Noting that the infection rates have risen this week, she recommends masking or joining by ZOOM for those who may be vulnerable. 

Click here to view Sunday's bulletin.

Worship from Anywhere on ZOOM!

You can join our in person worship service live at 9:30 on Sundays. Your face will not be visible in the Sanctuary, but you will be able to hear and see most of what is going on. Please keep yourself muted and feel free to sing along! You can also dial in from your phone to hear the service.

From a computer or tablet:


Meeting ID: 82152139967

Passcode: 05641

From a cellphone, click this link:


For audio only on your phone, dial this number:

 +1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 82152139967

Passcode: 05641

News From the Parish Nurse

As we move further along the endemic and closer to the new normal, many states like Vermont are no longer providing weekly COVID19 updates. To find out what your county rating is or a place you may be traveling to, the CDC has a COVID Data Tracker on it’s website which allows you to put in the state and the county that you need. Also depending on the rating (high, medium, or low), the CDC provides recommendations for precautions people should take to avoid the risk of getting and spreading the virus. This information is updated weekly on Thursdays. As of the most recent update, Washington county was rated low which means no masking requirements for most situations. There are exceptions. Some medical offices or facilities might still require masking or you may find that you are more comfortable masking in certain situations regardless of the current CDC recommendations. 

As always vaccination, hand washing, and staying home when you feel unwell is still the best way to prevent the spread of the virus. If you do a home test and it is positive; contact your provider and follow their instructions.  

Covid Data Tracker

Faith Formation

Pics from the Church Gathering last weekend! Thank you to all who came! 

Barre Congregational Church & Bottamini Scholarships

We are now accepting applications for scholarships! Applications are due on June 15th, 2022.

Click here for a copy of the application or reach out to the church at if you have any additional questions.

The Fellowship Group

The Fellowship Group will be going out to lunch on Tuesday, June 21st, at 12pm. Lunch will be at the Barre Country Club. Orders will be placed from the menu available. Please call Pam Murphy at 814-244-5900 to reserve your spot or if you need a ride. 

Historical Document Opportunity

Per our church historian, Linda West, we have multiple copies of the 100th anniversary of the building renovation bulletin and the church's sesquicentennial pamphlet. If you would like your own copy of these historical documents, please contact the church! 

Good Samaritan.jpg

 Here is some additional information, before the meeting:

Julie Bond Bio


GSH Gratitude Report

Mission and Outreach 

Betsy Reid and Julie Bond will be speaking to M&O and any interested congregants about Good Samaritan Haven and the proposed employee training program.

Zoom meeting link

Time: Tues 6/14 4pm


From computer:

Click Here

Meeting ID: 821 9057 5425

Passcode: 05641

From cellphone:



By landline:

+1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 821 9057 5425

Passcode: 05641

Ministry Updates

Click the link below for updates!

Notes from the Ministries

Council Minutes

Finance Minutes

Special Finance Minutes


Birthdays and Anniversaries

Timothy and Julie Barre celebrating their anniversary on June 1st! 

The Warks were married on June 14th! 

Kevin Frost

Edwin Friot

Karl Damon

Jeff Tucker

Peter James

Tony Campos

Ginny Perantoni

Pamela Murphy

Nancy Andreoletti

June 3rd

June 5th

June 6th

June 13th

June 19th

June 19th

June 22th

June 29th

June 30th

BCC Prayer List

Jan Patch

Ethan Bradley

Jonathan Barre

Geannie Bone

Phyllis Larabee

Rachel Gordon

Gabrielle Laniviere




John Derrick

Jane Cook


Anita Friot


Richard & Sharon


Don Sanders & Joy Caver

The Family of Jody Norway

The Family of Albert Gherardi

The Country of Ukraine

Susan Fleming



Donald White

Onia Bergeron

Goldie Swift

Laurie Barre

Harland, Lori and Ryan

Ruth James

Grace White



John Hooker

Shawne, John and family

Don Murray 

Claude Lunt


Norma Wark

Sheila Kingsbury

Cynthia Cristensen

You can email names to our church office. We will be renewing our prayer list weekly.

Get In Touch With The Church

Elected Council members:

Moderator: Cary Friberg

Vice-Moderator: Donald Singer

Clerk of the Church: Amanda Pugliese 

Treasurer: Pamela Murphy


Jan Aldrich

Laura Cadmus

Darlene Clark

Ilene Gillander

Brendan Hogan

Cheryl Zanleoni

Sherry Singer

Members of 2022 Ministries

Chair of each ministry is also a member of the Council.

Administration Ministry

Chair - Amanda Pugliese

Bonnie Cortese

Bonnie Finn

Faith Formation

Chair - Cary Friberg

Hillary Cole

Susan McKnight-Bransfield

Mary Ronson


Chair - Pam Murphy

Tim Barre

Sally Beebe

Ralph Brown

Ed Friot

Peter James

Mission & Outreach

Chair - Kelly Funk

Mary Ann Johnson

Lauren Jo Chase

Darlene Clark

Kate Duffy

Samn Stockwell

Jean Brown

Bev Thomas


Chair - Ed Friot

Larry Beebe

Linda Comstock

Eric Tuper-Giles

Jay Tosi

Todd Ronson

Worship & Arts

Chair - Ritva LaFlower

Eric Tuper-Giles

Jan Avery

Diane Blodgett

Kate Duffy

Linda Kiniry

Jeffrey Tuper-Giles

The Building.jpg
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Barre Congregational Church

35 Church Street, Barre, VT 05641, US

(802) 476-3065


Pastor Leigh McCaffrey

Music Director  Eric Tuper-Giles

Church Admin  Alexandria Marshall

Parish Nurse     Mary Ann Johnson

Pastor Emeritus David Vanderlinde-Abernathy