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January 15th 2024 - This is the 81st issue of our electronic news update

COGA Workshop

The end of the year (and start of a new year) can be the most stressful time for everyone, and especially for farmers. In this presentation we will discuss some of the more common signs of stress and healthy ways to respond to these signs when presented in themselves and/or their farm family, including workers. We will also look at some ways to cope with stress on a daily basis without having to disrupt the daily rigor of farming. We will look at ways to offer resources and support when signs are observed in those around you, and how to access them for yourself.

COGA Workshop - Thursday, January 18th - Season of Stress

Registration closes at Noon, Tuesday, January 16th

There is no charge for the event, but registration is required

Please click link below for more information & registration

COGA Event Information


Avian Influenza (HPAI)

Please be aware that a number of HPAI infections have been determined positive within the Fraser Valley.

Growers must ensure they are practicing the highest biosecurity at this time as the risk is extremely high.

 The CFIA publishes maps of all the

Primary Control Zones which can be found here.

The Industry EOC and the Chicken Board will continue to send communications on key milestones and keep industry up to date on HPAI.

 Please continue to report any unusual or unexpected mortality to the CFIA’s sick bird line. The phone number is 403.338.5225.


Updates to PCZs that Affect Movement Permits

Primary Control Zones (PCZs) 207 and 220 have now been released into Security Zones. This changes the permit requirements from a specific permit to a general permit for many movements. General Permits are to be submitted directly to CFIA using the “send” button at the bottom of the PDF form. Please check with your Board office or the CFIA maps online if you are unsure what the permit requirements are for your specific farms/movements. 

Post-Outbreak Surveillance Underway

Post-outbreak surveillance is taking place in PCZs 197, 206, 211 and 221. Post-outbreak surveillance is the mandatory testing done via Dead Bird Surveillance (DBS) that is conducted before a PCZ is transitioned into a Security Zone. Producers/growers must participate in post-outbreak surveillance with dead birds from all air spaces. If you do not participate in DBS, the transition from Infected/Restricted Zone to Security Zone may be delayed.


Poultry Ordered to Be Kept Indoors

BC’s Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Theresa Burns, has ordered that all poultry be kept indoors effective October 20, 2023. This Order applies to all individuals who are regulated by:

The BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission

The BC Chicken Marketing Board

The BC Egg Marketing Board

The BC Turkey Marketing Board

You can read the Order by clicking below

Avian influenza (AI) - Province of British Columbia (

Growers In A 1km Zone (Pre-Destruction)

That Cannot Place Chicks

The Board understands that this is a difficult issue for everyone and there is an obligation for all parties to work together to find a home for chicks displaced by HPAI. Ultimately, a BC101 is a contract between hatchery and grower and growers are responsible to find a barn for their chick placement. We implore growers to find and arrange barns for their chick placements if they cannot place due to HPAI, and work with your hatchery to assist you in doing so.

 Additionally, it is important to notify the Board staff of all changes.


Election Process

Derek Janzen’s three-year term as an elected member of the BC Chicken Marketing Board expires in March of 2024.

 An election will be held to fill the position. 

In the upcoming months, growers will receive emails from Della Oberhoffner from the BC Council of Marketing Boards (BCCOMB).

The BCCOMB is BCCMB’s Independent Election Officer to oversee the election and certify the results. Please ensure her email address is in your contact list so the emails do not go into spam. Her email address is

A Notice of Election including a timeline, Rules and Procedures for Election of Members to the BCCMB, and a nomination form will be forthcoming from the BCCOMB. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


2024 BC Poultry Conference Registration

Event details:

March 8, 2024

Coast Langley City Hotel and Convention Center

20393 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC 

Agenda Highlights:

Attendance at AGM’s is free. If you want full access to the conference (which includes lunch, the keynote speaker, Trade Show areas, Gala Reception and Gala Dinner), paid registration is required.


How to register:

Visit the 2024 BC Poultry Conference Registration page to secure your spot today.  

Period A-189:

May 5 - June 29. 2024

Deadline to submit quota transfer papers: Friday January 19, 2024

CFC Sets Allocation:

Tuesday January 30, 2024

Deadline to submit allocation paperwork: Monday January 29, 2024 at NOON

Broiler Quota Ads

For Sale:

Selling 10,000 bird quota at $135 per bird.


Ph: 604-760-0882

For Sale:

6.4 acre Specialty Broiler farm in Chilliwack


62,290 kgs Specialty Quota

(approx. annual)

Frank @ 604-835-6302

For Sale:

Island quota for sale at $100/bird.

15,243 birds (29,405 kgs) available.


For Sale:

Interior Quota

2000 birds quota for sale (3858 kg) @$130/ bird

Contact Mark Krahn via phone/text at


For Sale:

For sale in Armstrong BC

19,200 bird quota.

Contact Larry at or

250 546-0290

For Sale:

5 acre broiler farm in Chilliwack with 25,000 quota


Contact Walt Braun
