February 11, 2022
Prayer & Praise
Myanmar Hope Home
Prayer request from our Hope leadership team: “Our country is still facing chaos and violence, as many people are actively fighting to keep the military from stealing their freedom. Please pray that the Lord will overcome the evil regime in Myanmar and show mercy to the people.
The younger children in care are learning to play the violin and guitar. They already can play some hymns and are playing in church.

Praise: The children and staff are well, despite the country just overcoming the 3rd wave of Covid and bracing from Omicron again.

Please pray for Van Nei Lian. He had Guillain-Barré Syndrome and was unable to walk. He is not able to walk without assistance, but showing much faster progress than the doctors expected. But he needs to build his strength so he can walk quickly and run, as young boys want to do!

Myanmar Grace Home
Praise! We purchased the property for the Grace Home. They have already had trucks come and fill the land with dirt. I am waiting until Grace tells me they are ready to break ground on the new home!

As it seems so common, I have to balance the great and exciting news with some difficult reality. This week the flu hit in full force in the Grace Home. One-by-one children developed fevers and the flu until 23 children were sick at the same time. They currently live in such close quarters that it is not surprising they all got sick at the same time. They all went to the clinic and were diagnosed with the flu. One child had a fever of 104.3. The children and Grace are slowly recovering. Joseph made chicken and rice soup for everyone. Even Grace was able to eat. Next fall we are definitely getting flu shots!
Elim Farm 
The farm continues to provide food and learning opportunities for everyone in Joseph’s care. There are still needs because of those who live in the forests. Desperate, they are looting for their survival. We plan to build a barbed wire fence which will cost $1,100. Joseph has also requested two Doberman puppies as guard dogs for the property and children. Our 2022 Vacation Bible School project is to purchase a truck for use on the farm, a cost of $40,000. Please pray with us that the funding will come in. The truck they had been using was on loan to them, and the owner needed it back.

Pastor James Togba, our Liberian Director, has words of thanks for the care BCH provides the children: “We extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you, the staff of BCH, and all those who are putting smiles on the faces of our children and making them feel that they are also important in society. They appreciate your support, concern, and prayer. “

Currently we have 371 children in care with the newest child coming into care in December. She is now about 8 weeks old and her name is Ruthfena. Ruthfena was born prematurely, and her 18-year-old mother died 4 days after her birth. Ruthfena is thriving, and we are so pleased to be able to care for her.
Ruthfena came into our care just a few days old.
Ruthfena 7 weeks old and thriving.
In my next Prayer and Praise I will update you on our other partners in Myanmar, India, and Zambia and our Homes of Compassion and Trauma Ministry in the US.

Thank you for praying and for taking this journey of faith with us.
Linda Brooks 