Hotel Industry Update
Short Term Rental Industry
As the work that we do is an essential service, we continue to provide safe shelter to meet the needs of our communities during our current state-of-emergency. We support the current motion in council tabled by Councillor Pete Fry and now call upon the City of Vancouver to support our recovery. We also need them to ensure our citizens and the travelling public are kept safe by staying in regulated hotels and accommodators who have complied with safety regulations and Best Practices and Protocols. 
TOTA: Tourism Resiliency
With the world seemingly taking a ‘pause’, now is not only the time for reflection, but for revaluation and adaptation. TOTA has taken initiative in aiding our tourism industry on their path to recovery. As a baseline, our regional pledge, the Seven Affirmations for Seven Generations, is guiding our efforts to instill reputable values across our rebuilding industry.
Upcoming BCHA Education
BCHA continues to offer new courses and webinars from our education partners, offering BCHA members and hospitality professionals access and discounts for continued growth within the hospitality industry.
The following courses will be taking place soon:

Royal Roads
Kennedy Training Network  

Douglas College
C li ck here to sign up for any of the upcoming courses or webinars or learn more about all the education BCHA has to offer.
TIABC: Summer Tourism Outlook
With the continued state of emergency, border closures, and additional restrictions, tourism operators went from gearing up for the peak season, to indefinite closures. Walt Judas, CEO of TIABC tackles the question, "Is there hope for the visitor economy this summer or the remainder of 2020?"