Action Being Requested

  • BCHA encourages chapters to consider conducting a Labor Day weekend horse camp monitoring effort.

  • This busy holiday weekend is an excellent opportunity to collect valuable information on the occupancy and vacancy rate of public horse camps important to you.

  • Please consider helping BCHA to collect valuable information on whether or not parties with stock are using developed horse campsites on public land.

"(It) was very odd to be the only horse trailer in a fully booked equestrian loop...tons of dogs barking nonstop at horses and unsupervised children and adults petting horses in stalls."

Elizabeth Stagno

The Issue: Use of Horse Camps by Parties without Stock is Growing

  • BCHA  is in the process of documenting the frequency and geographic extent of public horse campsites that are occupied by parties without stock. We need documentation from the field in order to convince land management agencies that the problem is very real.

  • The Labor Day weekend represents an opportunity to capture such data when many horse camps are expected to be full or near capacity. Chapters from BCH Indiana, BCH Colorado and Wyoming BCH intend to coordinate Labor Day weekend campsite monitoring. Why nor you chapter?

How to Take Action

BCHA developed a Horse Camp Incident Report Form in two formats:

  1.  Hard copy (.pdf) that you can print out and take with you, or
  2. A version that you can fill out on your mobile phone and submit when you have cell service. 

Please consider assisting BCHA this coming Labor Day weekend to collect needed data on horse camp use.

Online Horse Camp Incident Reporting Form
Download Pdf. Version Here