When we became Christians we were inducted into the army of God. God's enemy and our enemy is Satan. He was defeated by Jesus but never stops trying to turn us away from God and join him eternally separated from God.
The enemy is aware of who we are and he fights dirty, Satan and his demons are; deceptive, persistent in trying to wear us down, use slander and gossip, false teachings, mess with our minds using fear and discouragement, victories do not deter him and he keeps trying to get us to compromise our faith. The enemy knows he has lost the war and what his final outcome will be, however he is hoping you don’t know this truth.
In Ephesians 6:10-18 we have been equipped to fight the enemy. The word tells us to stand firm. God does not leave us without a battle plan or intelligence on how the enemy operates. God has given us the armor of God and weapons. He calls us to stand ready to fight. The victory is God’s. Our part is to stay suited up, use our weapons and hold our ground standing firm in defense against the enemy and sin.
Begin by holding God’s truth close to you, surrounding you ( belt of truth).
Now attach to the belt obedience to God’s Word and honor him with how you live
(breastplate of Righteousness).
Add the preparedness to take every opportunity and share the Gospel (shoes of Peace).
Grab hold of your faith in Christ; this is your protection and your identity (Shield of Faith).
Protect your mind with salvation, remind yourself of what Christ did on the cross (Helmet of Salvation).
Use your weapons. Attached to your belt is the Holy Spirit which protects you from the lies of the enemy (Sword of the Spirit).
The power of prayer is a mighty weapon. Pray in the Spirit, keep alert and pray persistently.
We also have other weapons; worship, the name of Jesus, fasting, our testimony and Thanksgiving.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, now more than ever we must stand, put on the Armor of God and use the weapons God has provided.
God Bless
Sister Rachel