Education Matters - March 2023
(639 words, 5 min to read)
One Big Thing: BCS Students Have Opportunities and Choices!
Why It Matters:
Today, students chart their own pathway. As part of our strategic emphasis on providing a World Class Education, the Boone County Schools offer multiple four-year pathways for high school students. Planning ahead is the key to taking advantage of these great opportunities. An effective and simple planning process is to develop a grid that maps out all four years of high school. Choosing classes for all four years can be a daunting task but the benefits are significant.
- How it works:
College, Career, or Military Ready! The first question in the planning process is “If you had to decide today, after your high school graduation, are you planning to go to college, enlist in the military, or enter the workforce?” Simply put, upon their graduation, students only have three choices - to enroll, enlist, or employ.
Develop Your 4-Year Plan. Make your choice: college, military, or the workforce. Each is a good choice! For all three choices, you will need to decide what career you wish to pursue.
Change Your Mind - Change Your Plan! If you change your mind about your future, do not worry, many people have changed their minds. The key is to change or update your 4-year plan if you change your mind. If you are planning to attend college, nearly every college or university posts the courses that you must complete each year for a degree. Looking at the classes you may take your first year of college can assist you with deciding what classes to take in high school. Remember, if you change your mind, then change your plan.
- Go deeper:
- In general, our high schools offer Career & Technical Education (CTE) pathways, World Language pathways, and Project Lead the Way (PLTW) pathways. To learn more, check out the listing on my Education Matters page, visit our high school websites, or contact your high school counselor.
- What’s Next:
Alignment to the NKY Workforce Investment Board. Almost all of our career pathways are directly aligned to the workforce needs of Boone County, the NKY region, and the greater Cincinnati area.
o The NKY Workforce Investment Board also manages the KY Career Center, a great resource for job seekers and for employers.
2. Kindergarten Registration starts on March 20, 2023! Students turning 5 years old by August 1, 2023, are eligible to attend our full day kindergarten. Registration forms can be accessed using this link - BCS Kindergarten Registration. Parents registering at Kelly Elementary, Ockerman Elementary, and Collins Elementary need to contact the school directly to make an appointment time. For all other schools, parents may visit the school between 4:30 and 6:30 pm on Monday, March 20th.
3. Check Your Progress! March 13, 2023 marks the end of the third quarter of the school year. Your student's current grade reports will be available for you to view. Interim assessments for all students will be coming up in April - these assessments measure the performance of students on their academic learning standards. These assessment results are shared with parents and also allow teacher teams to see trends and provide support and assistance to students.
4. Middle School Orientation sessions for our 5th grade students will be held Thursday, March 30th. Students will be visiting their assigned middle school for orientation with their middle school counselors and elementary school counselors. This visit will be a great opportunity for your future middle schooler to become familiar with their new school building, meet faculty, and build excitement for their transition to middle school.
5. Calendar Reminders: Friday, March 10th is a Flexible Professional Development Day for teachers. Schools will not be in session. Enjoy your three day weekend! Wednesday, March 22nd is an Early Release Day for students.