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Boone County Schools

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November 18, 2022

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Break The Mold

Congratulations to Ballyshannon Middle School Special Education Teacher Tricia Widener. The most important resources a successful special education educator needs to possess are patience, love of the work and love of the students she teaches. According to her teaching peers she has all that and more as you will see here in this video. 

IGNITE Pibotics Robotics

places first at World Tournament

Congratulations to the PiBotics Robotics team for their first-place finish in the world at the VEX Robotics World Tournament in Dallas for the 2021-22 school year. The team consisted of : Anna Engelman, Ben Hartline and Daniel Wood. Not pictured but also part of that team: McKenzie Koch who has already started college at Miami University in Oxford.  Their teacher Beth Koch was also in attendance.

Boone County Schools Technology Staff

Wins the Stillwell Award

The Boone County Technology staff under the direction of Technology Director Mary Ann Rankin have been recognized by the Kentucky Department of Education for their dedication and support of education technology during the COVID pandemic from March 2020 to March 2022. They were celebrated with a special commemorative coin called The Stillwell Award.


The Stilwell Award is named after the late William "Bill" E. Stilwell, a longtime faculty member of the University of Kentucky’s College of Education who worked diligently throughout his career to improve Kentucky K-12 educators’ access to modern technology. He was known for always wearing red suspenders.


Boone County Business Association

Golf Outing Check Presentation

The BCBA hosts an annual Golf Outing to raise money to support Boone County Schools Alternative Education programs. They also sponsor an event to provide cold weather gear (coats, hats and gloves) for our district children in need. This year is no exception! We appreciate this collaborative partnership!

Helen Cottongim Celebrates

50 years in Transportation

Last month Helen Cottongim reached a milestone working in the Transportation Department. She started in this district as a driver in October 1972. Since then, she's held many roles and titles within the Transportation Department inclding her current role as Safety and Training Coordinator. She loves the job and just can't give it up as she tells us her "why" in this video.

Who We Serve...

Serving Perry County

The Boone County community and school district came together late this past summer to collect items and financial donations for the Perry County flood victims. The Boone County Schools Transportation Department headed up the collection efforts and the trip to deliver donations along with two Boone County school buses to the Perry County community and school district. See more in the video below. We thank the following people who were very involved in this effort, even given up their weekend to make this trip: Nick Greer, Heather Schultz, Marsha Kelly, Mark Beach, Angie Vickers, Rick McDonald, and Sean Mulligan.


Food Services This session was held today at Steeplechase Elementary School. It started with explaining what the Food Service Department does. Our Food Service Department is under the leadership of Director Stephanie Caldwell. Food Service is one of the hardest working departments in a school district with 26 kitchens and 213 food service employees is the Boone County Schools food services department. Boone County Food Services serves breakfast, lunch and has an after school snack program. Summer Feeding Sites supply breakfast and lunch during the summer months. The Food Service operation is a business that must comply with many more regulations than those in the private sectors. They must operate as non-profits yet they need to make enough money to be self-sufficient. There are federal nutritional guidelines to follow and the meals have to be attractive to hard-to-please consumers. The Ambassadors were treated to a specially cooked meal that is a typical lunch for students. Then they participated in a tour of the kitchen and Principal Lisa Resing took the group on a tour of the school.