Dr Ware's interracial marriage resulted in 48 years of grace-relations - come hear more on April 2.

48 years ago, Dr. Charles Ware, a "black" man married a "white" woman. At the time, many thought this to be unethical and wrong. But Charles did not become bitter, he became better in Christ. For the last 48 years, he and his wife have given their lives to develop GRACE-BASED RELATIONS not RACE-BASED.

Now two major events occurred last year in His life and ministry that "MADE HISTORY." Listen to the three-minute video testimony now.

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Three Speakers: Dr. Olasky, Dr. Ware, and Tim Bryant

2022 BE AT PEACE Conference

April 2, Saturday at 9am - Online and Onsite

1. Finding Personal Peace

2. Pursuing Relational Peace

3. Understanding Biblical Objectivity

4. Discerning Compassion without Compromise

Personal peace empowers unity when possible, courage if necessary, objectivity when confused & compromise in non-essentials. This peace empowers positive influence in a world full of relational hurts, threats & conflicts. This peace we will meditate on with our Bible open as we fearlessly "pursue peace with all men."

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Dr. Marvin Olasky

Dr. Marvin Olasky is the former editor-in-chief of WORLD Magazine, former dean of the World Journalism Institute, a professor at University of Texas and provost. He has authored hundreds of articles and 28 books, including Reforming Journalism, The Tragedy of American Compassion, Biblical Objectivity, and Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration series of books. Marvin was an advisor to the president of the United States developing “Compassionate Conservatism” and a leading thinker among Christians seeking to help a culture in crisis.

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Dr. Charles Ware

Dr. Charles Ware is president of Crossroads Bible College, founder of Grace Relations Ministries, and is a regular, soul-stirring speaker in churches, seminaries, and conferences across the USA and abroad. Crossroads trains biblical counselors and church leaders that positively impact the growing racial and ethnic divisions in our world through Gospel-saturated ministries. Dr. Ware has written several books, including One Race, One Blood.

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Tim Bryant MABC

Tim Bryant is the Executive Director of the Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center in Charleston, South Carolin. Before LCBCC, he served as a pastor in the Chicago area. He leads a team of over 20 counselors that turns no counselee away for lack of funding. The ministry trains and mentors hundreds of people to counsel with the Word of God, utilizing a unique online school approach that focuses on personalization and interaction. Compassion for others and focus on Christ's word has transformed many throughout the years of LCBCC ministry.


Finding Personal Peace - Dr. Marvin Olasky

My only comfort in life and death is that I belong heart and soul to Jesus Christ.

Pursuing Relational Peace - Tim Bryant, Director 

Responding wisely to the three types of divides: factual, functional & foundational as an Ambassador of Christ's Peace - 2 Timothy 2:24-26

Testimony: Personal Peace Empowers Amazing Outcomes - Dr. Charles Ware

Understanding Objectivity - Dr. Marvin Olasky

Listening humbly and drawing conclusions fairly when in discussion with those whom you differ - Prov 18:13; Prov 11:2) (Free Lunch Included)

Restoring Kindness - Dr. Charles Ware

How Christ-exalting Good Works & Compromise Promote Christ-exalting Solutions

Break Out Options

Strategies for Peace in Anxiety

LCBCC Counselors Panel

Winsome Conviction: Disagreeing without Dividing

TL Berry, Upstate Biblical Counsel

Effectively Counseling Couples as a Couple

Pastor Dustin & Kori Jo Nally, Pastor of Biblical Counseling

Register for the Full Conference Today - Lunch Included

We will open the SCRIPTURES

and minister PEACE to you and your relationships.

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