Join us for ...
BE in the Flow
Celebrating the Joy of Being
with the
Angels and Light Beings
an open group with
Lisa Monahan
Choose to Be Who You Truly BE
on Cinco de Mayo
Journey Cafe
Audubon, NJ
Monday, May 5th at 6:30 pm
What would Cinco de Mayo be without Margaritas?
Well you won't have to find out because the
margaritas will be chilling awaiting your arrival
at Jeannie Boyle's new place in Audubon.
Join us for an Evening Open Group and find out how to get what you have been searching for, change what you'd like to change and receive what you know you would like even if you don't know what to do or how to do it!
During an open group Lisa will captivate you with her psychic abilities and her innate ability to change energy. She will tap into past lives, passed loved ones and what's in your past that you are using to limit you. She will assist you in connecting to your Angels and Guides and she will teach simple and easy tools to change anything with ease. Are you ready for more ease?
What else is possible?
Are you ready to find out?
Come join in the fun and see what you would choose if
you were really being all of you!
There will be time to socialize, network and enjoy Jeannie's
fabulous snacks. We promise the margaritas will be yummy and cold.
(Feel free to "BYOB" if you would prefer something else.)
Doors open at 6:00pm, group starts at 6:30pm.
See you there...
Group starts at 6:30 pm at Jeannie's place:
Journey Cafe
57 E. Kings Highway
Audubon, NJ 08106
856-546-0004 Open Group$60 (Margaritas Included)
BE in the Flow groups are experiential. They are intense, fun, a little mind blowing (ok - a lot mind blowing) and life changing. You are guaranteed not to leave the same. And you are guaranteed to learn some quick and easy tools to create change in any area of your life.