Facilitating Impactful Proposals
BEL assisted many organizations with proposals for USDA’s PACE and New ERA programs, including at least 100 projects worth $13B in total cost, totaling 4,000 MW solar, 2,000 MW wind, 2,000 MW storage and annual GHG reduction of 22M+ tons.
Weatherization / Electrification Together
Thanks to generous funding from the Wells Fargo Foundation, BEL's W/E Together Initiative is growing. Regional efforts continue to emerge as federal rebates for home electrification roll out across the country.
Appalachian Regional Committee (ARC)
BEL received a $500k grant from ARC to help spur investment in electric infrastructure in GA, TN, PA, and NY. We will work closely with local and regional partners to develop feasibility studies and metrics for evaluating, and ultimately applying for, relevant federal funding programs.
Electric School Buses
With CoBank’s support, BEL joined with co-op & municipal utilities across the county to spur more than a billion dollars in rebate applications to the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program.
BEL was pleased to join a coalition of six municipal utilities, led by Littleton, MA, to win a competitive $300,000 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program grant to build a framework for electrification and load management that targets utility customers in disadvantaged communities.
Electric-to-Ammonia Production
BEL has received funding for an effort supporting the electrification of ammonia production, a process using electricity instead of natural gas. This project aims to increase awareness about use cases and the potential economic and environmental benefits of electrifying ammonia production.
Tribal Assistance
BEL is facilitating partnerships between tribal organizations and their electric cooperatives and utility partners to apply for BIA tribal electrification grants and DOE electrification programs.
2023 Events
BEL held nine state-level events in Minnesota, Virginia, New England, Kentucky, Nebraska, Kansas, North Carolina, and Georgia. These events reached more than 600 people in-person and hundreds more virtually. At these forums, key stakeholders came together to discuss new technologies, products, programs, and learnings. BEL leverages its experience and expertise to create an event that provides relevant information, highlights new opportunities, and brings together organizations, helping to increase the thoughtfulness, efficacy, and reach of statewide beneficial electrification efforts.
BEL also hosted ten webinars spanning topics from W/E Together, water heaters, building electrification, DOE and USDA funding opportunities, tax policy, and electric school buses.
Thanks to all who attended!
A Growing Sponsor Base
We are thankful for our 2023 sponsors; without you we would not be able to carry out our mission. Please be sure to budget for BEL sponsorship in 2024 and thank you for your support!