Note from the President
Summer in the Washington DC area is sometimes known for being a slower time – not this year, not for BEL, or for folks working in federal agencies like USDA and DOE. (I can’t speak for Congress….)
Over the past month, BEL has been on the road with USDA, meeting with cooperatives and munis around the country to try to make sure that the maximum amount of funding from the country is invested in our electric infrastructure.
On top of these efforts, we have helped stakeholders submit over $350 million in PACE letters of interest and many millions more in EECBG and DOE ERA grant proposals that we have helped with past the concept phase. (Apologies for all of the acronyms, I blame the government.)
We are humbled and honored to be helping to secure funding for America's communities.
This summer, we are working with willing stakeholders to be sure that we leave nothing on the field when it comes to securing the funds. We are staffing up and continuing to grow.
For those of you who support us as sponsors, THANK YOU! For those of you who do not but are interested in becoming a member-sponsor, please consider joining us now or budgeting for sponsorship next year. It is an exciting time, and helping you all is our mission and our passion.
Have a great rest of the summer, stay cool, and keep helping others to stay cool too!