Celebrating Our Youth Of The Year : Adrian Reaves!
The Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City (BGCAC) proudly announces our outstanding YOUTH OF THE YEAR, Adrian Reaves . Check out our interview below to learn more about Adrian, his hopes, his dreams, and his appreciation of BGCAC.

What brought you to Atlantic City?
I was born in Dunedin, Florida, but I have lived in Atlantic City for the last 10 years. Once I started attending Atlantic City schools I really had nowhere to go after school let out. So, I would either go home or hang around in the streets. Eventually, my stepbrothers noticed what I was doing and registered me with BGCAC through a woman named Tracey Parker.

Who is the mentor at the Club that has had the biggest impact on you and why?
The mentor that has had the biggest impact on me is Tracey Parker, also known as “Putt”. She has had the biggest impact on me because from the time I started attending BGCAC, she always kept me close and showed me a smarter way to do things, while putting me in an environment of people who also strived for a better future.
Share a favorite Club memory with us.
I have two very fond memories at the Club. One was an event called the Color Run, a 5K event where we had a lock-in sleepover at the Club the night before. Some of us ran the 5k while others threw colored powder and paint at the runners. I was one of the people throwing powder and paint on Team Silver, so by the time the event was over I was completely covered in silver coloring, and everyone was calling me The Tin Man. Another memory was at a retreat to Camp Haluwasa, where we had a lot of bonding experiences and it kind of felt like a brotherhood.
How has BGCAC help kept you motivated with your studies and future plans?
They've always helped me stay motivated towards my future in many ways such as highlighting me for the Youth of the Year program, helping me attain a large amount of volunteer hours, or simply by placing me in programs that kept my mind focused on a better future.
What’s next for you, Adrian?
As far as college goes, I have been accepted to the Automotive Training Center (ATC) but I haven't completely decided if I actually plan on going there now due to the occurring pandemic. I have been leaning more towards the Air Force; however, I have decided that I want to further my education in the automotive trade either way.

We also asked Stephanie Koch, our CEO, what she thought about Adrian.

Adrian will be successful, regardless of the path he chooses. I remember the first time I met him and was greeted with a grand smile and a firm handshake. He quickly told me, that he “had a plan for after graduation.” I could see his hopes and dreams becoming reality as he spoke. We could not be more proud of the man Adrian has grown up to be. He is a true reflection of hope in Atlantic City and we are incredibly grateful that he wears our BGCAC badge of honor as Youth of the Year.