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Future Ready: Bigger, Bolder, & Better

Boys & Girls Clubs have a proven blueprint for helping kids and teens build a path to success after high school. Future Ready is about being better, bigger and bolder on behalf of the kids and teens in Hall, Habersham, and Forsyth Counties.

It’s a tough world out there. It’s no secret that kids and teens today – as in every generation – face a myriad of challenges. One in six lives in poverty. Most are falling behind in basic academic disciplines such as reading and math. Emotional and mental health issues are pervasive, affecting young people across all demographic boundaries. College enrollments are down, and many teens are seeking a sense of purpose and direction as they transition into early adulthood.  

Uniquely positioned to lead, we understand that there's a reason young people want to come to our clubs - and parents want to send them. Staffed with caring adult mentors, we provide safe and inclusive learning environments. Our high-quality, evidence-informed programming supports young people's aspirations and helps them find their unique voice. We change lives by cultivating purpose and ambition, enabling outcomes and speaking up for young people. 

Down through the decades, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier have steadfastly charted a constructive path forward. We’ve innovated and adapted, reimagining ourselves and anticipating the needs of young people. In the communities we serve and the public spaces we inhabit, we have stood as a strong voice and a reassuring presence, trusted and relied upon to inspire greatness in the next generation and beyond.  

And, importantly, we’ve done it – and will continue to do it in 2025 – together, pooling our talent and experience and marshalling the awesome force of collective impact. When we do this, the weight of our contribution is increased tenfold, as we become far greater than the sum of our parts.  

Donate Here to Invest in Being Future Ready

Member Spotlight

Finding Opportunity though Obstacles

Railee is part of our Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) mentoring program, which is adapted to each youth to help them set goals for their development and pairs them with a positive adult or peer mentor to help them achieve these goals. As the year progressed, she worked towards achieving her goals and began to see the benefits of being a leader.

Railee is a very caring, respectful, responsible, mature role model in our Club, but just like any youth, she oftentimes would fall subject to peer pressure as a 4th grader. As technology continues to advance and social media influencers grow in popularity, the daily effect it has on our members is tremendous.

Now, a 5th grader, she is our current secretary for the Torch Club, where some of her duties include keeping the minutes of all meetings, working with the Vice President to keep record of all events with notes about things to improve in the future, and updating the President on service hours performed by Torch Club members. She continuously helps around the Club with various small tasks and also volunteers for peer-to-peer mentoring.

As the year goes on, she strives to be a better person each and every day. Railee's road to success is not without its challenges, but she takes every obstacle as an opportunity to learn and grow.  

Railee attends the Downey Boys & Girls Club.

Sponsor a Child's Journey

27th Annual Duck Derby

May 3, 2025

Lake Lanier Olympic Park

Happening Around Lanier

Buy Your Ticket Here 

Annual Club Crawl

Join our Forsyth Advisory Committee and other supporters at the 2nd Annual BGCL Club Crawl in the Cumming City Center to support the Tommy & Chantal Boys & Girls Club.

Tickets are available now for $50.

Each ticket gets you one (1) drink at the following locations.

  • The Well
  • Crooked Culture Brewing
  • Santa Maria Latin Tapas, Seafood & Oyster Bar
  • Tin Cup Grill
  • Los Rios Cantina
Learn more about our 2025 BGCL events

Is your business looking to partner and make Greater Impact for a Greater Future?

You could gain significant exposure and exclusive partner benefits for your company by becoming a GREATER FUTURES Partner with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier and reach thousands of potential customers across multiple online platforms and special events!

We want to welcome our newly added Greater Futures Partners. These partners signed on to be a 2025 Partner in January.

  • The Cook Law Group
  • Springer Mountain Farms
  • Mansfield Oil Company

Thank you for making a deeper investment in the lives of young people who attend the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier.

Learn more about being a Greater Futures Partner

Thank You

Your generosity allows us to provide vital programs and services to hundreds of underserved kids and teens at minimal cost to families, making

Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier accessible to those who need us most.

You help to create bright futures every time you give. Instead of heading home after school unsupervised, hundreds of children walk through our doors and feel safe, connect with others, and build the skills and confidence they

need to reach their full potential both in school and in life.

Thank you for giving so generously and being a part of our team!

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Learn more at our website today by visiting or by connecting with us online via Facebook , Instagram and LinkedIn!

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