Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York participated in the #GivingTuesday global day of giving this year! On November 28th, 2023, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving BHGHNY held a Thankathon for all our amazing donors and supporters.

All of our staff and some of our scholars worked hard to call each generous individual in our community to give them a personal thank you for supporting our organization. We had great success in our campaign, and we were able to bring everyone in our community closer this year!

If you would like to learn more about the impact that BHGHNY made this year on #GivingTuesday please visit our website with the link below. Again, we want to thank all those in our community, and reflect of the difference that your participation makes in the lives of our scholars!

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Community Day Potluck!

On November 16th, 2023, Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York hosted our Community Day Potluck! There was a Potluck made by staff and scholars' guardians, NYC Smoke-Free Art Viewing, and Value Awards! We saw so many wonderful members of our community at this event, and it was filled with fun, laughter, and homemade food.

We are so grateful for all in our community, and we appreciate the effort on behalf of our scholars' guardians who work so hard for the BHGHNY community. We hope all who were able to participate enjoyed the evening as much as we did, and we are looking forward to all the community events we have planned for the holiday season!

IFNY Luncheon!

On November 17th, 2023, Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York staff member, Martin Torres, and nine of our scholars were able to attend an Insurance Federation of New York (IFNY) Luncheon! Over the last summer, our scholars participated in an internship with IFNY to help them gain experience and knowledge in the insurance industry!

IFNY is one of New York’s insurance industry’s most widely respected organizations, communicating ideas among all sectors of the industry and bringing public and private interests together for the benefit of all. IFNY events bring together the “best and brightest” in their field to ensure that industry intelligence is shared and that support for best practices in insurance business, law, and regulation earns the understanding of leaders across the spectrum. 

We here at BHGHNY are so proud of all our scholars for taking the initiative to participate in these internships and opportunities, connecting them to resources to help begin their future careers!

Book of HOV!

Also on #GivingTuesday, the scholars of Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York were able to visit the Book of HOV: A Celebration of the Life and Work of Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter at the Brooklyn Public Library!

Joined with staff members of BHGHNY, the scholars were able to experience the amazing impact that the musical artist Jay-Z has had upon the Brooklyn Community. It was truly a fun and inspirational experience that helped our scholars become more engaged in such an amazing borough filled with vibrant culture.

We would also like to give a shoutout to staff members Mr. Pearson, Mr. Thomas, Ms. Hutchinson, Mr. Abreu, Mr. Owen, & Ms. Lily for finding this amazing opportunity for our scholars and joining them on this trip! If you would like to learn more about the Book of HOV exhibit that the scholars attended, please follow the link below to the Brooklyn Public library's website. 

Book of HOV
BHGHNY Community Events!

  • On November 23rd, 2023, was Thanksgiving for all of our scholars and staff here at BHGHNY! We hope everyone was able to share the holiday with their loved ones and reflect on all the great blessings this year has brought us!

  • On December 13th, 2023, Boys Hope Girls of New York will hopefully be hosting our Annual Holiday Dinner! This event will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church (EBC) and we ask all scholars to share in the holiday spirit with our staff.

We hope all in the Boys Hope Girls Hope Community had a wonderful November and Thanksgiving this year, and we are looking forward to the holiday season in December! 

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