BHIPP Bulletin

Volume 9, Issue 3

September 2023

Resources for Addressing

Youth Substance Use

This month's BHIPP Bulletin is a contribution from Lily Stavisky, BA, BHIPP Outreach & Training Coordinator.

In honor of National Recovery Month, BHIPP has gathered information and resources relevant to youth substance use. National Recovery Month was established to educate and raise awareness about substance use treatment and mental health services in order to increase overall well-being and health for people who are struggling with a substance use and/or mental health disorder and to encourage individuals in need of treatment and recovery services to seek help.

The CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey reports that approximately 29% of 13– to 18-year-old students reported current use of alcohol, marijuana, or prescription opioid misuse; among those reporting current use, approximately 34% used two or more substances. In addition, the CDC reports that 1 in 3 students reported using substances in the last month in 2021. Pediatric primary care providers have the opportunity to prevent youth substance use by reducing risk factors (i.e. lack of parental supervision, academic problems, peer substance use, drug availability, poverty, peer rejection, child abuse or neglect) and promoting protective factors (i.e. parental support and involvement, healthy emotion regulation, good peer relationships, school engagement) ( Providers can support young people by providing early screening, education on substance use, brief intervention, and connecting youth to evidence-based substance use and/or mental health treatment. See the resources below for additional guidance in supporting youth and families.

For Primary Care Providers: 


Substance Misuse Prevention for Young Adults 

Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth  

Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults   

Substance Use and Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator 

National Institute on Drug Abuse 

Discipline Spotlight: Pediatricians 

Adolescent Substance Use and Rx Drug Misuse Course 

Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in the Pediatric (Adolescent Medicine) Setting 


Maryland Department of Health 

Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Resource Guide 

National Council for Mental Wellbeing 

Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention 


Substance Use Screening Tools for Primary Care: 


Screening to Brief Intervention (S2BI) 


For Families: 


Parent & Caregiver Resources 

Substance Use Prevention Resources for Youth and College Students 

National Institute on Drug Abuse 

Parents & Educators 

Operation Prevention 

Parent Toolkit 

American Addiction Centers 

Demographics and Addiction

Partnership to End Addiction 

Drug Prevention Tips for Every Age 

Addiction Policy 

How Do You Really Keep Your Kids Safe From Addiction? 10 Things Parents Can Do 

Maryland Treatment Centers 

Maryland Treatment Centers Your Recovery Family 

Sandstone Care 

Rehab Centers in Maryland 

For Families in Spanish:

The American Psychiatric Association

Trastorno por consumo de sustancias (adicción)

El Trastorno por Consumo de Sustancias Datos para Pacientes y Familias

The Milton Coalition

Lo que usted debe saber sobre el tratamiento y la recuperación

Actúe para prevenir la adicción

Hoja Informativa Sobre La Campaña Rx Awareness De Los CDC

Crecer Libre de Drogas:Guia de Prevencion papa los Padres de Familia

Opioid Library

Mantengalos protegidos. Familia Sana - Jóvenes Sanos


Maryland BHIPP: 

BHIPP Resilience Break: Youth and Substances: What’s a Primary Care Provider to Do? 

BHIPP Resilience Break: Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Youth 

BHIPP Resilience Break: Benzodiazepine and Prescription Stimulant Use in Youth: What’s the Impact on SUD and it’s Treatment? 

BHIPP Resilience Break: Involving Families in Addressing Youth Substance Use 


Organizations Supporting Recover and Substance Use Concerns: 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) 

National Institiute on Drug Abuse for Teens 

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) 

Rural Health Information Hub 

As always, if you have questions about the behavioral health needs of your patients, we encourage you to call the BHIPP consultation line at 

855-MD-BHIPP (632-4477), open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday, for resource/referral networking or consultation support.

We will keep you informed about all our services and training events through our website ( and monthly e-newsletters. Additionally, BHIPP is on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. We invite you to follow us there to stay up-to-date on upcoming training events, pediatric mental health research, and resources for providers, families and children.

BHIPP Announcements

There is still time to register for this week's MACS & BHIPP Training!

Register for the next BHIPP Mental Health Crisis Training on October 6th at 12:00pm. In response to the increase in mental health crises among children and adolescents, BHIPP has expanded its services and training opportunities. The BHIPP Mental Health Crisis Training is a series of interactive, virtual learning sessions on practices, strategies, and resources to support emergency medicine and primary care professionals in addressing pediatric mental health crises. Free CME and CEU credit is available for participation.

View Flyer
Register for this training!

Sign up for next week's BHIPP Mental Health Crisis Training!

Register for the next BHIPP Mental Health Crisis Training on October 6th at 12:00pm. In response to the increase in mental health crises among children and adolescents, BHIPP has expanded its services and training opportunities. The BHIPP Mental Health Crisis Training is a series of interactive, virtual learning sessions on practices, strategies, and resources to support emergency medicine and primary care professionals in addressing pediatric mental health crises. Free CME and CEU credit is available for participation.

Register for this training!

Register for the BHIPP ECHO Beyond the Basics series!

Join our multidisciplinary team of child behavioral health experts the second Thursday of every month from 12:00-1:00pm for virtual case-based learning and didactic presentations led by Hal Kronsberg, MD, Rick Ostrander EdD, Rheanna Platt, MD, & David Pruitt, MD. This series is great for providers who have already participated in BHIPP ECHO, or who feel like they are experienced in treating behavioral health in their practice setting and are looking to explore advanced topics. The first session will be held on October 12th at 12:00pm.


Benefits for Participants:


·   Enhance knowledge of child mental health

·   Connect with other Maryland pediatric providers in a virtual format

·   Share and discuss mental health cases with peers and subject matter experts

·   Improve confidence with managing patients with mental health diagnoses

·   Earn free CME and CEU credits



See the flyer below for a complete list of this series' dates. To discuss any questions you have, we welcome you to call us at 855-MD-BHIPP (632-4477) or email [email protected]. To learn more about the Project ECHO model, check out this video or visit We hope you and your care team will join our learning community! 

View Flyer
Register for the series!

Announcing the next BHIPP Resilience Break!

Register for our next BHIPP Resilience Break on October 31st at 12:00pm! BHIPP Resilience Breaks are a series of interactive, web-based learning sessions. These sessions are a virtual space for pediatric primary care and behavioral health providers to connect, learn and share about strategies, practices and resources to promote mental health and resilience among children and families as well as providers. Free CME and CEU credit is available for participation.

Register for this training!
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BHIPP is supported by funding from the Maryland Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration and operates as a collaboration between the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Salisbury University and Morgan State University.

BHIPP and this newsletter are also supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $433,296 with approximately 20% financed by non-governmental sources. The contents of this newsletter are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government. For more information, visit

Copyright © 2021 Maryland Behavioral Health Integration in Pediatric Primary Care (BHIPP), All rights reserved.