For any student needing volunteer hours, we would love to have them at our bean bag baseball games on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 6p to about 7:15p. Please contact Amanda Garcia at Amanda.Garcia@atriaseniorliving.com to let them know if you're able to volunteer.
WA Porter Elementary is hosting a Back to School Bash Carnival on Saturday September 17, 9am to 1pm. This is a free event open to our community.
There are two ways high school groups can support the carnival.
1. Sign up to volunteer. Visit the link below to sign up for a volunteer shift. We’ll be happy to complete any paperwork if you need a record of your service hours. Please remember that signing up is a commitment to volunteer - we’re counting on your support! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0A4AAAAB2BA5FE3-waporter
2. Create and run a booth at carnival. Feeling creative? We need activities for the carnival. You could set up a football throwing contest. Or a ping pong toss game. Or glitter tattoos. If you are interested in hosting a booth, please email Melissa Cleghorn at melleighcleg@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support and please contact Melissa Cleghorn with any questions.