Your Weekly Dose of #5ThoughtsFriday: A description of what we think is important at BIAMD
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#5Thoughts Friday



What if there was a more effective way to coach and inspire your employees? Athletes? Students? Even your kids?
A new study by a team of researchers from Case Western Reserve University suggests there is.

Their newly published work used neuroimaging to peer into the brains of participants as they responded to two different styles of coaching. The researchers wanted to see what happens in the brain that either helps people grow or causes them to resist change.

"You could say it's about how we get around the problem that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink," said Anthony "Tony" Jack, the Elmer G. Beamer - Hubert H. Schneider Chair in Ethics and an associate professor in philosophy at Case Western Reserve and the study's lead researcher.

Jack was joined by Richard Boyatzis, Distinguished University Professor and professor in the departments of organizational behavior, psychology and cognitive science at Case Western Reserve; and Case Western Reserve PhD graduate Angela Passarelli, now an associate professor of management at the College of Charleston.

CLICK HERE to read more about the study.
In 2008, Kristen Armstrong received a terrifying phone call: Her husband, Brandon Smith, had been involved in a car accident — and it was bad.

Packed with fiber and antioxidants, berries are widely considered one of the healthiest fruits thanks to their incredible nutrition profile and anti-inflammatory propertiesPrior research has suggested that strawberries in particular, as part of a nutritious and balanced diet, may help reduce the risk of several serious health conditions. A new study out of San Diego State University found that strawberry consumption may be associated with improved brain function and lower blood pressure, among other health benefits.

The research, funded by the California Strawberry Commission and presented last month at the American Society of Nutrition's Nutrition 2023 conference, looked at a small group of about 35 healthy older adults. Participants consumed 26 grams of a freeze-dried strawberry powder daily, the equivalent of about two cups of fresh strawberries, and a control powder for eight weeks each. The researchers then measured cognition markers, as well as blood pressure, waist circumference and more.

CLICK HERE to read more.
Sept. 30th:
Blue Crabs 4
Brain Injury

WHEN: Saturday, September 30th

2500 Grays Road
Dundalk, MD 21222

  • Steamed Crabs, Maryland Corn on the Cob, BBQ and Pit Beef, Chesapeake Chips, Baked Beans, Salad, Watermelon, Soft Drinks
  • And, of course, great KEY Beer and Wine for Purchase

EARLY BIRD PRICING: (Till September 9th)

TABLES OF 8: $575
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash
3) Why Decluttering Your Room Can Lead to Increased Brain Power
Most of us dislike clutter. For instance, a study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that of 60 women who were asked to give researchers a tour of their home, women who believed that their home was cluttered were more likely to feel constantly tired and exhibit symptoms of depression. These effects were tied to the hormone cortisol, which plays a role in how we respond to stress.

Clutter combined with a sense of having no control over it can also lead us to make bad decisions. A 2016 study published in Environment and Behavior explored how our mindset around a chaotic kitchen causes some people to make poor food choices. Specifically, the study found that when people felt no control over the clutter and chaos in their kitchen, they ate more cookies than when they felt they were not in control of their kitchen.

Zooming this out, we can see how a cluttered environment can go from an aesthetic non-preference to a serious lifestyle issue — perhaps causing us to skip workouts, for example.

CLICK HERE to read more.
Brain Injury Connector Podcast is in Season 4 and we are looking for guests!

Because every brain is different, every brain injury is different, and every brain injury recovery is different, most individuals and families dealing with brain injuries have many more questions than answers. Join Bryan Pugh, Executive Director of the Brain Injury Association of Maryland, as he searches for answers by interviewing individuals with brain injuries, family members, healthcare providers, policy makers and other members of the brain injury community. Each episode contains powerful information to help you learn more about brain injury, discover new treatments and solutions, and meet inspirational people making meaningful impacts on their community by changing the world.

Join us and tell your story!

CLICK HERE to listen

CLICK HERE to sign up to become a guest

Sarah Nickerson, like any other working mom, is busy trying to have it all. One morning while racing to work and distracted by her cell phone, she looks away from the road for one second too long. In that blink of an eye, all the rapidly moving parts of her over-scheduled life come to a screeching halt. After a brain injury steals her awareness of everything on her left side, Sarah must retrain her mind to perceive the world as a whole. In so doing, she also learns how to pay attention to the people and parts of her life that matter most.

In this powerful and poignant New York Times bestseller, Lisa Genova explores what can happen when we are forced to change our perception of everything around us. Left Neglected is an unforgettable story about finding abundance in the most difficult of circumstances, learning to pay attention to the details, and nourishing what truly matters.

CLICK HERE to see more.
1) Quote We are Contemplating
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. 

Looking for Something fun to do in Maryland this weekend?

Click the picture below and discover a world of possibilities for things to do this weekend!
Photo by Magnus Loin on Unsplash


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 Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend.