Dear TCAA Family,
You're invited! This Tuesday, May 5th beginning at 3pm , we will be hosting a FREE virtual event called Artsathon Live! We wanted to create a way for our community to perform together even though, for now, we must remain apart.

This event will coincide with North Texas Giving Tuesday: Now , and we'll be giving shoutouts to all donors and sponsors that partner with us. If you or your business is interested in sponsoring the evening, please contact .

To attend, "Like" our Facebook Page and you will be notified when we start streaming!
Our Development & Communications team has been working diligently behind the scenes to bring you a new and improved website. With easier access to information, faster speed, consistency across all programs, better security, and more pictures and video, we feel this new site will better represent TCAA, our schools, arts programs, and all of YOU!
Simply "Like" our Facebook Page to be notified when we start streaming and tune-in at your convenience!
Ari has been using her sewing skills to make and donate masks to health care professionals and other essential workers in the community!
Ms. Martin received a letter and some pictures from one of her students in the mail during quarantine.
Brooklyn is working on her art assignment that was taught by TeSA art teacher, Mrs. Grober via YouTube.
TeSA 4th Grader, Burkley M. drew an animal hybrid, combining two animals, and then she created a puppet of it for her Theatre project. We love the creativity!
Check out this color-wheel created from found objects! Who knew a bunch of stuff could be so beautiful!?! Created by TeSA 3rd Grader, Baxter N.
Dallas Summer Musical Awards : Guys & Dolls nominated for "Best Ensemble"
Betty Buckley Awards : Brighton Beach Memoirs Nominated for "Best Play" and David Postlewate Nominated for "Best Male Actor in a Play"
As our seniors will not get a chance to return to their last semester of high-school, it's been important to our community to shower them with some extra love. Enjoy these heartwarming pictures from our "Adopt-a-Senior" program put together by our beloved School Counselor and Senior Class Sponsor, Mrs. VanDyck!
FWAFA PTSO wanted to show our Seniors a little love too, so they treated our Seniors to some #WeAreFWAFA2020 Yard Signs!
Student Photography:
FWAFA Students learned about the rules of composition in photography and were challenged to take their own pictures demonstrating what they learned.
Now, more than ever, our children need something to look forward to! Our FULL DAY Summer Camps offer the opportunity for students to grow artistically and emotionally. Camp options vary for children ages 3 - 19.

Participants will rotate between dance, theatre, choir, and visual arts each day. Each class will focus on technical skills, performance and presentation elements, and creativity. Students will demonstrate their new skills in an all-inclusive arts showcase. For ages 3 - 12, grouped by age and skill level.
Middle School Studio Art (Ages 12 - 15)
Elementary Studio Art (Ages 8 - 11)

For children who love to create or who want to strengthen their art skills. Through a variety of mediums, young artists will explore 2D and 3D technique and theory, strengthening their own personal aesthetic.

For intermediate to advanced level dancers, this camp will focus on ballet and jazz technique (in leveled classes) in the mornings while discovering different master classes, improvisation skills, and elements of composition in the afternoons. For ages 8 - 19.
*In the event that COVID-19 precautions extend into the Summer and we should have to cancel any of our camps, full refunds will be issued to participants. We are monitoring and following all federal, state, and local guidance regarding the Coronavirus. We will keep all participants updated via email and our website.
May 4 : Principal Facebook Live @5:30pm
May 4-8: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 18: All assignments due today for completion grade.
May 25: School Holiday - Memorial Day
May 28: Last Day of School
May 4: Principal Facebook Live @6:30pm
May 4-8: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 18: All assignments due today for completion grade.
May 25: School Holiday - Memorial Day
May 26: Awards Assembly - Elementary
May 27: Awards Assembly - Middle & High School
May 28: Last Day of School

Senior Activities:
July 21 & 22: Senior Showcase - @6:30pm in FWAFA Theatre
July 23: Graduation - @3pm at Doxology Bible Church
July 24: Prom - @7pm at Women's Club of Fort Worth
July 25: Project Celebration

*Although we hold unwavering optimism about these in-person activities, in the event, that quarantine guidelines are extended, we will make a final determination about in-person events on Monday, June 22. At that time, alternate virtual plans will be shared with you. 
Quick Links for Parents: