10-0210 New Logo

Weekly Update
May 29, 2012

If you missed Sunday be sure to download the message on How to Be Reconciled. It is a practical look at what you can do when you've offended someone.


I have one more message coming up to close out this series. It will be about what to do when you CAN'T restore the relationship.  I know many people seem stuck in that spot. Hang in there for a few more weeks on that!  


BIG Sunday This Week - We have an exciting Sunday lined up this week. Be sure to invite your friends to either or both

Cedarbrook Logo
This Sunday Night!


  • Pastor Dave Johnson - will be with us Sunday morning talking about how God sets us free to live a new life.   
  • Watoto African Children's Choir - will be herethat night.  

Read more about both in the articles below.  


No Summer Slump - Every summer is a challenge for churches.

a online giving button
Click to learn

I know that last August I had to make an appeal for people to remember to give because our income got very low. You can help us out by automating your giving so you are helping Cedarbrook even if you are sitting on a lake! 

Please click the button to learn more.  


Baptism June 24th - If you want to be baptized to declare your faith in Christ then please reply to this email to learn more! 


Invite your friends for Sunday!  




lead pastor


 p.s. We are postponing communion to June 10th to allow more time for Dave Johnson to speak. 


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Check out our BLOGS!
Summer Schedule for the LODGE
Lend A Hand to the Gundersons!
Watoto Children's Choir
Prayer Trail Grand Opening
VBS "Praise" Registration Begins
Sewing for Africa
Church Picnic & Baptism
Cedarbrook 101
IGNITE Destination Unknown?!
Join Our Mailing List!

good search button 

Check out our BLOGS!

First Steps...              
bible reading guy

"...You do not have because you do not ask God."

James 4:2  

Every Sunday the Prayer Team will hold a prayer meeting from 8:30-9:00am before 1st service in the Wiggle Room to continue praying for the vision of the church and any specific needs that arise.  Everyone is welcome!
The LODGE Summer Programming Schedule
Sunday, May 27th through Sunday, June 10th

green LODGE

Red denotes programming change.


Sunday, May 27th - Sunday, June 10th: 

  • 1st and 2nd Services- Birth through 5 year old programming ONLY
  • 1st and 2nd Services - No programming for Kindergarten through 5th grade

Lend A Hand

THIS Saturday, June 2nd at 8:00am

Lend A Handroofing animated gifJoin us THIS Saturday, June 2nd at 8:00am as we Lend A Hand helping Pastor Kyle & Anna re-roof their home.  A meal will be provided.


Contact Pam if you're interested in Lending a Hand!

Cedarbrook Welcomes Pastor Dave Johnson
THIS Sunday, June 3rd
Cedarbrook Logo
Pastor Dave Johnson from the Church of the Open Door in Maple Grove, MN will be speaking at both services THIS Sunday, June 3rd. Pastor Dave speaks in conferences around the world. He is known for his penetrating messages and insight into the Bible.  His message this year will be focused on the freedom we have through our faith in Christ. Invite your friends.
Watoto Children's Choir Comes to Cedarbrook
THIS Sunday, June 3rd at 6:00pm

Watoto Children's ChoirThe Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda will be performing THIS Sunday, June 3rd at 6:00pm here at Cedarbrook Church.  Invite your friends to this FREE concert!


The Watoto Children's Choir's present their vision and mission through stories, music and dance. Watoto choirs act as ambassadors to raise awareness about the plight of the orphaned and vulnerable children of Africa.  Watoto Children's Choirs have travelled internationally since 1994 as advocates for the estimated 50 million children in Africa, orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, war, poverty and disease. 

Boundary Waters Canoe & Camping Trip
Sign up by THIS Sunday, June 3rd for the June 22nd trip
bwcaLast chance to sign up for the Men's Camping Trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area is THIS Sunday, June 3rd.  We'll leave Cedarbrook on Friday, June 22nd and return Sunday, June 24th.  


Registration and payment of $125.00 is due by Sunday, June 10th.  This payment includes transportation, food, canoe rental and camp site.  Contact Jay for more details.

Prayer Trail Grand Opening --  Church Picnic & Ribbon Cutting
Sunday, June 10th beginning at 12:00pm 
ribbon cuttingJoin us after second service on Sunday, June 10th for the grand opening of the Cedarbrook Prayer Trail. 


We'll start off with a catered picnic on the church grounds at noon followed by the ribbon cutting ceremony at 1:00pm.

Vacation Bible School Register Now!
VBS runs Sunday, June 10th through Thursday, June 14th

go fish praise guysGet your children registered now for "Praise" Vacation Bible School beginning Sunday, June 10th at 5:30pm!


How do you give kids a high view of God?  Go Fish believes it is by modeling a high view of Scripture.  Featuring music from Go Fish along with Denver and the Mile High Orchestra, your kids will be movin' and groovin' as they learn that they exsit to give God praise!


Contact Brenda  for more information.  To register for all the VBS fun download forms and fill them out!

Imani Yako Sewing Project
Friday, June 15th 9:00am-5:00pm

imani yako schoolCedarbrookers Scott & Jo Kilde help run the Imani Yako School in Kenya. 


United Methodist women from several churches in Wisconsin have made almost 500 pillowcase dresses since last year for the little girls at the school.  It would be nice if the boys shared in the excitement of receiving gifts from America.   A sewing group of Cedarbrookers will get together in the community room on Friday, June 15th from 9:00am - 5:00pm to sew simple shirts for the boys.


If you would like to help sew, donate material or money for material, please contact Patti Irwin.


If you would like to donate a t-shirt, in good condition, for boys ages 3 to 12 years old please contact Imani Yako Helping Hand.

Cedarbrook Church Potluck Picnic, Pool Party & Baptism
Sunday, June 24th from 6:00-8:00pm 

baptismBaptismJoin us on Sunday, June 24th from 6:00-8:00pm for a Church Potluck Picnic, Pool Party & Adult Baptism at Wakanda Pool.


If you would like to know more about adult baptism or would like to be baptized on the 24th, please contact the office.   

Baptism Class
Monday, June 18th from 7:00-8:00pm 

baptismJoin us on Monday, June 18th from 7:00-8:00pm for an Adult Baptism Class.  Learn more about  becoming baptized at Cedarbrook at this class.

Childcare is available if you register by Sunday, June 17th.  If you would like to be baptized on the 24th or if you need childcare, please contact the office

Cedarbrook 101:  An Introduction.
Sunday, June 24th at Noon


Join Pastor Remy & the Cedarbrook Staff for Cedarbrook 101:  An Introduction on Sunday, June 24th at 12:00pm.  At this luncheon you will find out how Cedarbrook got its start, our vision and values and much more!

Contact the office to register.  Lunch is included.  Please let us know by Wednesday, June 20th if you need childcare.  

IGNITE Destination Unknown?????
Thursday, June 28th

11-0411 IGNITE Logodestination unknownIGNITE Students get ready for Destination Unknown on Thursday, June 28th. We will load up and head out to ????

Watch for more details. 


Contact Kyle to find out more about our IGNITE summer plans.


Meet Cedarbrook's Newest Member
Julie Koopman, member since May 19, 2012
julie koopmanJulie Koopman became a member on May 19, 2012.  Julie enjoys being a single mom to her two great kids, Jayden & Trista. She also enjoys her 3 kitties named Newman, Bella & Miss Molly. She loves her career as an Interior Designer at Summit Dental Consulting in Eau Claire. Julie is looking forward to building new relationships at Cedarbrook Church.

Congratulations on becoming a member!
Out & About with Cedarbrookers                                               
Connecting with those serving away from Cedarbrook

becca dBecca Diederich is currently in the Phillipines working in a center for youth.


Becca will return to the States on June 9th and home on June 13th. She will be sharing in church on June 24th.


Follow Becca as she ministers in eleven countries in eleven months! Track Becca's journey as she blogs about her experiences!
Community Care                                                                      
Connecting with the joys and cares of our community

heart hands

Dick Davis is recovering from hip surgery.  Please pray for Dick as he continues to heal following this surgery.


Char Gregor is back in the hospital (Menomonie) with some complications after surgery. 


If someone you know has lost a friend or loved one, is welcoming a new life into their family, or is in a tough spot, reply to this email, so we can reach out to you as a community.


Free Carnival for Families                                                                    
Wednesday, June 6th from 4:30 - 7:00pm

United Way will hold its 6th Annual Free Carnival for Families on Wednesday, June 6th from 4:30-7:00pm at the Dunn County Fairgrounds.  This fun FREE family activity is also an opportunity to learn more about the numerous community agencies around us!


family carnivalFestivities include:


Games * Activities * Clowns

Entertainment * Door Prizes

Free Food * Music * Popcorn

Cotton Candy * 3M Wizards

* Science Center about

'Creepy Crawlies in Our Water' and More!

About Us
Our mission is to help you connect to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
phone: 715-231-LIFE (5433)
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm