2015 New Jersey Recap and Wrap Up
Congratulations to BIO International 2015 for an amazing event. More than 15,800 industry professionals from across the world came together last week in Philadelphia to discuss innovation, build partnerships and fuel the future of the global biotechnology community.
Led by our indefatigable Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno, the New Jersey delegation was front and center throughout the show starting with a vibrant pavilion hosted by Choose New Jersey and BioNJ.
BioNJ would like to thank the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), Choose New Jersey and the State of New Jersey for an amazing partnership, as well as
New Jersey's Host Committee
for all of your hard work and incredible collaboration in making this event a HUGE SUCCESS for the entire region.
Click here for the list of 179 Host Committee Members from New Jersey.
Pavilion hosts Debbie Hart, President and CEO, BioNJ; Lt. Governor Guadagno; Melissa Orsen, CEO, NJEDA; Michele Brown, President and CEO, Choose New Jersey; and Lauren Moore, Executive Director, Business Action Center, joined by Judith Sheft, NJIT; Dean Paranicas, HINJ, and Dr. Chris Molloy, Rutgers, led the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.
New Jersey was in the spotlight throughout the three-day conference starting with
the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the New Jersey Pavilion on Tuesday, June 16.
Click here for a press release on the show's opening.
BioNJ, in partnership with Choose New Jersey, hosted the New Jersey Pavilion that featured a wide variety of New Jersey groups, including the Business Action Center, the Office of the Secretary for Higher Education and the Economic Development Authority; as well as organizations such as the New Jersey Health Foundation, CBRE Life Sciences Group, Dynamic Strategies, Advance Realty and the Healthcare Institute of New Jersey; and academic institutions including Princeton, Rutgers, Rowan, NJIT, Montclair University and Thomas Edison State College, among others.
Francois Nader, MD, former Chairman and CEO, NPS Pharmaceuticals; Will Lewis, President and CEO, Insmed; and John F. Crowley, Chairman and CEO, Amicus Therapeutics spoke on a panel entitled, "Innovation, Creativity and Perseverance."
Throughout BIO, colleagues and friends from far and near visited the New Jersey Pavilion to learn about the innovation and entrepreneurship happening in the Garden State. Each day showcased presentations in the Innovation Theater that highlighted the discoveries taking place within New Jersey's dynamic life sciences community.
This video, created by Choose New Jersey, showcases why the Garden State is a leading innovative life sciences hub. |
New Jersey was front and center as BioNJ President and CEO Debbie Hart presented the benefits of locating your business in New Jersey to international companies and investors in the BIO Global Innovation Hub on Wednesday, June 17. Click on the video to the right that Choose New Jersey created as part of this presentation! (It's fabulous!)
The Worldview 100 honorees include researchers, business experts, entrepreneurs and key media figures making a significant impact on the industry worldwide. |
During BIO, six New Jersey executives, including BioNJ President and CEO Debbie Hart; Bob Hugin, Chairman and CEO, Celgene; Sol Barer, Ph.D., Founder, Celgene, and Managing Partner, SJ Barer Consulting; Robert Hariri, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman and Founder, Celgene Cellular Therapeutics; Paul Stoffels, M.D., CSO, Johnson & Johnson; and Shirley Tilghman, Ph.D., Professor, Molecular Biology, Princeton University, were named to the
Worldview 100 most power people in biotechnology.
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno and BioNJ President and CEO, Debbie Hart, presented a plaque to NJ's future scientists, Rachel Han and Nicole Kim, and their outstanding science teacher, Donna Leonardi. |
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno and BioNJ President and CEO Debbie Hart honored NJ's two National Finalists in the BioGENEius Global Health Care Challenge, Rachel Han and Nicole Kim, along with Donna Leonardi, this year's winner of the BioGENEius Mentor Award. All three are from Hackensack, NJ! Congratulations!
Click here for a video on the BioGENEius Challenge.
New Jersey, Choose New Jersey, Celgene and BioNJ were sponsors of the BIO Global Leaders Reception on Tuesday evening at the Franklin Institute, where Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno was the featured speaker. Thank you to Celgene for its generous support in making this event a huge success.
Congratulations to Choose New Jersey's President and CEO, Michele Brown, and her entire team, along with the Healthcare Institute of NJ, for hosting a successful dinner at the Union Trust. |
Choose New Jersey hosted a dinner for prospective businesses on Tuesday, June 16, at the Union Trust in Philadelphia. This was the perfect opportunity for prospective companies to meet New Jersey business leaders and get "the inside scoop" on locating your business in the Garden State.
Debbie Hart (BioNJ), Dr. Ming-Chu Hsu (Taiwan Industry Bio Organization) and Christopher P. Molineaux (Pennsylvania Bio). |
Michele Brown (Choose New Jersey), Tony Jones (One Nucleus) and Debbie Hart (BioNJ). |
BioNJ is honored to have formed international partnerships with the Taiwan Bio Industry Organization and One Nucleus, the United Kingdom's life sciences association, by signing Memoranda of Understanding during BIO. Alliances such as these foster new business opportunities, partnerships and research collaborations.
Fritz Bittenbender, Vice President, Alliance Development & State Government Relations, BIO, presented the award to Assemblywoman Lampitt. |
Nominated by BioNJ, BIO presented New Jersey State Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt (6th District) with a 2015 BIO State Legislator of the Year Award in honor of her leadership in advancing the biosimilars legislation in New Jersey.
Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt later participated in a panel discussion on the "Impact of Biosimilars on State" where she discussed her experience shepherding the legislation through the Assembly and passed by the Senate yesterday afternoon.
A panel discussion, entitled "Job Search 2015," kick started the action-packed day. The Panel Included: Harriet Maphet, President - Infinity Resources Amanda Brouillard, Manager, Career Services - Johnson & Johnson Catherine Kapferer, Director of HR - Covance Inc. Karen Koubek, Director of HR - PTC Therapeutics Gene Mancino, Principal- Mancino Burfield Edgerton |
The BioNJ team met with more than 1,000 industry professionals last week during the BIO Career Fair. It was a great opportunity for employers and candidates to connect and discuss a wide spectrum of career opportunities.
Click here to see BIO 2015 through the eyes of BioNJ.