BIR Announcement - CCNY Workforce Training
Dear BIR Members,
If you or anyone you know may be interested in this, please call me 917-434-4036.
The Charles B. Rangel Infrastructure Workforce Initiative at City College is still accepting applications for a FREE 4-week workforce development program during the month of October 2022.
The training will include introductions to five critical infrastructure sectors, nationally-recognized industry certifications, professional development workshops, and networking opportunities.
This program is open to all. Enrollment is on a first-come first-serve basis. Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be offered to all participants throughout the program.
Classes will be held from Monday, October 3 to Friday, October 28, 2022 from 8:30am-5pm on CCNY's Main Campus.
Participants must register by Saturday, October 1, 2022.
Call 212-650-6281 for more information.
Angela Harden
General Manager
WHCR, 90.3FM
The City College of New York
160 Convent Ave, NAC 1/513
New York, NY 10031