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January 2025 BLC Newsletter


Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7pm @ the Brainerd Eagles Club 287

New Location

Hello Everyone, 

Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a great holiday season. We have been working hard within the Chapter on getting the schedule of events set for this year. Things are falling into place, and we have a fun year ahead of us. Jay and I are working on getting the lake list together for the outings. If you have a body of water you would like to see us fish let us know. We have a few things that we have coming up before the open water season is upon us. First, a tip up challenge, we are planning on this event taking place Sunday, January 26th from 10am -3pm on Middle Cullen Lake by Nisswa. Another big event we have coming up is our 21st annual Sportsman's Banquet, which is March 22. Tickets are now available. We do sell out, so make sure to get yours today. If you would like to help out with planning this event please reach out to me.  

As always, stay safe on the ice this winter.

Fair chase and tight lines 

Levi Stifter

January 14th Meeting - Jeremy Smith - 7:00 pm

Jeremy Smith from Lindner's Angling Edge will be joining us this month. He will be discussing the hot button topic or forward facing sonar technology, responsible usage and conservation.

Meetings are open to the public and FREE to attend! Chance to win various prizes from lures or maybe a rod in our meeting raffles. Come to hear and share fish stories and more. One random door prize drawing for those in attendance. Bring your friends!

* 2nd Tuesday of the Month - Brainerd Eagles Club 287 - 7 pm *

January 14th

Monthly Meeting - Jeremy Smith

January 26th

Tip Up Challenge - Middle Cullen - 10 am to 3pm

February 11th

Monthly Meeting - TBD

March 7-9

Minnesota Muskie Expo - State Fairgrounds

March 22nd

BLC Sportsman's Banquet

BLC 21st Annual Sportsman's Banquet

March 22, 2025

The Brainerd Lakes Chapter is excited to be planning for the 21st Annual Sportsman's Banquet. And tickets are now available on the BLC website!

Buy Tickets Here

Last year's event sold out in advance and we thank you for the incredible support. Buy your tickets early so you don't miss out before they're gone!

Tip Up Challenge - January 26th - Middle Cullen

Join us for a casual get together on the ice on Sunday, January 26th. We will have a tip up outing on Middle Cullen Lake in Nisswa from 10 am to 3 pm. We will send out a follow up reminder a few days prior. We look forward to seeing you out there!

BLC's Community Donations

A sincere thank you to our dedicated members who attended our November and December monthly meetings and participated in our “Season of Giving”. With their generous donations, we were able to give to area food shelves approximately 10 pounds of toys, 104 pounds of non-perishable food items and $117 to put towards more items at the food shelf.

Our generous members donate toys, food and money that we collect at our December meeting. We are happy to be able to make this an annual donation to our local food shelves.

Pictured are some of our young members with the food and toy donations that were collected at the December meeting.

Youth Member Spotlight - Jett Moss

Grade: Kindergarten

Favorite fish: Muskie

Favorite lake: Mille Lacs

Favorite lure: Frogs

Favorite boat snack: Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly sandwich 

How many Muskies have been caught: 0

Favorite person to fish with: Dad

Tell us a story: “We went camping at Lake Bemidji and we caught some crappies. We got up super early when it was still dark. Dad caught lots of fish and I caught a couple. Noah went with us. He caught a bass, it was a huge bass!”

It’s safe to say this guy is a fishing machine!

We’re looking for more youth members to spotlight for our newsletter! Contact Jadyn at to be featured! 

** NOTE: Muskies Inc is a proud supporter of getting youth outdoors and on the water. Photos and stories can be about any fish that your youth finds exciting! **

Bump Boards for Sale

As a board (no pun intended) we made the decision to invest in some new bump boards for the Jeff Young Memorial Muskie Shootout that we hold every fall on Leech Lake. We did this to add both the chapter and shootout logos to the boards. But we also wanted to support an operational bump board company in Muskie Bumper. The original bump boards for the Shootout were from T's Tackle and they have not been in business for a number of years now.

So that means we have a bunch of bump boards that we need to find new homes for! Are you in need of one for yourself or know someone that is? These are all in excellent condition, with the majority still looking essentially brand new. And we are selling these for just $70 each. A similar bump board purchased brand new will cost over $120 after sales tax. So this is a great deal and they will be first come, first served.

We will have a few available at each of our monthly meetings until they are gone. If you would like to reserve one to make sure we have one for you at our next meeting, just respond to this email to let us know.

Jeff Young Memorial Muskie Shootout

October 4-5, 2025

It's never too early to start planning for our annual tournament! The Jeff Young Memorial Muskie Shootout will once again be heading back to Agency Bay Lodge on Leech Lake. Agency Bay Lodge has been a great partner for us and they help us put on a great event. He hope you will be able to join us on October 4th and 5th this year. We plan to open up registration on February 1st.

2024 Release Contest

Final Release Standings

We hope everyone had a great 2024 season. And here's to hoping for an even better 2025!

With the season now over, we kindly ask that you get any November releases submitted ASAP, especially if you have a fish that you would like to be considered for the replica, as this will help us start the process of working with Fittante Taxidermy to make sure there are no delays in getting this done.

Save 10% at Musky Tackle Online

Orders placed with Musky Tackle Online that are delivered at monthly meetings are eligible for a 10% discount (and no shipping charge, of course). You need not be a member. You simply need to show up at the meeting to receive your order. It's that simple!


How does it work?

1) Register an account at Musky Tackle Online.

2) Email Aaron at MTO to let him know that you would like to have your order delivered at the next meeting.

3) He will set your account up to receive the appropriate discount.

4) He will let you know when you can proceed with putting in your order. Discount will apply automatically in your cart.


The BLC will get paid too! For every order that is placed this way, MTO will match the discount amount in the form of a donation to the chapter in the same amount. So not only will you get a great deal on some gear, but you will be contributing financially to the BLC!


Please support our great sponsors that support us. We wouldn't be able to do the things that we do without their help!

Special offers from select sponsors for BLC members.

Click here for discount details

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Muskies Inc National Newsletter - September

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