BLI Hosts Seminarians from Across Uganda, Trains Them in Integral Ecology and Creation Care

This summer, 38 seminarians from across Uganda joined the current Caretaker trainees on BLI's campus to learn about integral ecology and creation care. The seminarians lived alongside the trainees for the entire month of June, joining in the trainees' work in Mary's Farm, Martha's Market, and Lazarus' Forest. Their modules ranged from Pastoral Leadership and Creation Care to Introduction to Rural Sociology.

Seminarian leader Erick Bakatunga said the group found the experience at BLI extremely enriching, helping them really learn to understand Pope Francis's call to care for the environment. "BLI has helped us advance our understanding of the Pope's encyclical, Laudato Si'" he says. "Before coming here, many of us had never worked with the soil, with the ground. But now we've been able to see integral ecology in action and interact with those on the rural farms."

The current BLI Caretaker trainees on campus (Cohorts 3 and 4) played a big role in introducing the seminarians to integral ecology and the BLI model by leading the seminarians in sessions both in the classroom and in the fields, sharing with the seminarians the knowledge they have learned thus far at BLI. Mary Nakiriwo, a current BLI Caretaker trainee, said the partnership was equally as important for the trainees. The seminarians were able to lead prayer, reflection, and community outreach events. Being older than many of the trainees, the seminarians could depart wisdom and experience onto the others on campus.

The seminarians ended their time at BLI this summer with a colorful celebration, at which they were commissioned as official Caretakers alongside the Cohort II trainees. At the celebration, Chief Guest Bishop Lawrence Mukasa implored the seminarians to bring the mission of Laudato Si' and integral ecology with them as they continue in their journeys and join new parishes. The Bishop called the seminarians "integral ecology ambassadors," asking them all to begin now by planting coffee gardens at their respective parishes. Mr. Bakatunga believes they are already well on their way in this mission, stating, "Many of us have already changed our lifestyles to better incorporate the practice of integral ecology."

This group of seminarians will join a second group of seminarians who was already commissioned by BLI and has since started their pastoral duties at parishes across Uganda. BLI sees these seminarians as agents of change who can help spread integral ecology across Uganda as they go out and lead their parishes towards a better, more sustainable future.

For more information, read the Ugandan news article on the program here.

Help BLI Continue to Spread Its Mission

Across Uganda

As BLI continues to host and train more individuals on our campus, we are forever thankful for your support. Please consider helping our mission in one of the following ways:

  • Help fund our SACCO, which provides low-interest micro-loans to recently commissioned Caretakers to fund the start of their projects

  • Support one of our current trainees by joining our scholarship program, ensuring they will not have any tuition debts after they leave BLI's campus

  • Make a one-time gift towards BLI's operating expenses

Introductions to other funding sources are always appreciated. If you would like to host a fundraiser for BLI, or have any questions about our projects or campaigns, please reach out to Theresa Murray, Development Director, at or (574) 208-3919.

You can also send a check to BLI at the following address:

P.O. Box 6391

South Bend, IN 46660

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