On Global Trade & Investment
Published By:
The Global Business Dialogue, Inc.
Washington, DC  Tel: 202-463-5074
No. 72 of 2019

Click HERE for Wednesday's quote from Senator Ted Cruz.


 "In December he'll stand for election
In Uxbridge, a West London section. ..."

Joanne Thornton
November 8, 2019 (publication date)
Today’s quote is the beginning of a limerick by GBD’s Vice President, Joanne Thornton.  Of course we’re going to give you the remaining three lines, but first a bit of background – just a bit. The essential piece, the fact that Britons are scheduled to go to the polls next month, is familiar to all of you.

Recapping that development, after repeated tries, on October 29, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was finally successful in his effort to get Parliament to approve a snap election. It is a complicated affair. There are some 650 constituencies in the four countries of the United Kingdom – England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland – and 18 parties. The Conservative and Labour Parties are the largest, of course, but some of the smaller parties – the Scottish Nationalists and the Liberal Democrats, for example – are important players. And there are new parties as well. The Brexit Party and the Independent Group for Change were both founded this year, and both will be fielding candidates. 

But the election writ large is not really our topic today. No, our focus is on just one of the 650 constituencies – the one in which the Prime Minister will be running. On November 4, The Wall Street Journal ran a story about the district, making the case that if Mr. Johnson doesn’t get re-elected there, he’s toast, notwithstanding the fact that he is currently the Prime Minister. (Maybe. We’ll cross that bridge if he loses.) In any event, Labour is targeting the constituency, and Mr. Johnson, in addition to making the larger case for a Conservative win, is devoting a lot time to local activities, like “standing outside a supermarket near Uxbridge handing out crime prevention leaflets.”

Which is not to suggest that he has been neglecting Brexit, the signature issue of his premiership and of this campaign. His recent op-ed in The Telegraph put the issue squarely. He wrapped up that piece with the words:

With a new parliament and a sensible majority government, we can get that deal through a new Parliament in days. It is oven ready. Let’s get Brexit done, and take this country forward.

But back to Uxbridge, here is the full limerick:

The PM and The Voters

In December he’ll stand for election
In Uxbridge, a West London section.
He must see to its needs
From its roads to its trees
Or face an ignoble rejection.

 Joanne Thornton

About the Author . Most of her adult life has been lived in the Washington, DC, area, but as a young girl – roughly from age 7 to 14 – Joanne Thornton lived just a few miles from Uxbridge in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire. As she explained to us: “My mother shopped sometimes in Uxbridge, I believe for our school uniforms among other things.” They family was there because of her father, Gerry Liebenguth, but today’s entry owes him more than just a location. In the late 60s, Mr. Liebenguth was a UK-based executive with Gulf Oil, and before and after that he was a man who loved limericks. He knew thousands of them. Joanne has clearly inherited the gene.
To Boris: Good luck!

To Joanne Thornton: Thank you.

To all of you: Enjoy the Weekend!
The UK Election is the Wikipedia article on this upcoming and globally important election.

The Parties takes you to the Wikipedia article with a list of the participating UK political parties.

Crosswalks and Trees is The Wall Street Journal article of November 3 (November 4 in the print edition) on Boris Johnson’s efforts to win reelection from the voters of Uxbridge, more formally, Uxbridge South Ruislip.

Oven Ready takes you to the Boris Johnson article in The Telegraph mentioned above.

About the Photograph. The picture of Ms. Thornton above was taken on September 26, 2019, when Ms. Thornton served as moderator for the GBD event on the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement.

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