The BPSI Community and Guests
Fellows, ATP Student Members, Candidate Members, Affiliate Scholars, Psychotherapist Members, Adjunct Members, Academic Members, Board Members, Psychoanalyst Members, Partners and Guests
BPSI Leadership Team
Daniel Mollod, MD, President
Catherine Kimble, MD, Executive Director
James Barron, PhD, Chair, Board of Trustees
Jack Foehl, PhD, President-Elect
Carole A. Nathan, MBA, Managing Director
November 9, 2020
Open Conversations on Race, Diversity, and Otherness
Monday, November 30 - 7:00 pm
“BPSI READS” is an initiative to facilitate regular conversations within BPSI, the larger psychoanalytic community, and the public on issues of Race, Diversity, and Otherness.  
Thank you to everyone who participated in BPSI READS this summer and fall. Please join us for the next BPSI READS:
Monday, November 30, 2020
7:00-8:00 pm
Facilitator:  Cecil Webster, MD
Paper:  James Baldwin:  Letter from a Region in My Mind. 
The New Yorker. November 10, 1962. 
 “Whatever white people do not know about Negroes reveals, precisely and inexorably, what they do not know about themselves.” – James Baldwin
Our present political moment, although 60 years removed, resonates with James Baldwin’s prescient 1962 essay. Many have found great relief in the rejection of an American political administration that has embraced unprecedented hatred and division. For others that have been at the vulnerable end of that hatred and division, the narrowness of this presidential race reflects something more: America’s deep disavowal of its painful, anguished history. If one task of psychoanalysis is autonomy over our patterns in the revelation of pain, how do we as a profession charged with this mission, embrace what we dare not see? How do we engage with one another, support one another, in this difficult and central psychoanalytic task? How do we allow ourselves space to be curious, surprised, and disappointed as a body in our classrooms, and consulting rooms?
Dr. Cecil Webster is a BPSI Candidate in Adult and Child Psychoanalysis, and a member of the BPSI Board of Trustees. He is a Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist and a member of the Board of Editors for the Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. He has a small consulting practice working with schools and universities, to develop constructive responses to racial animus, form gender and sexual identity-inclusive policy, and transform difficult moments into important conversations.
We are pleased Cecil will lead our conversation on November 30th - Please join us. We will begin together, use small breakout groups to facilitate deeper dialogue, then return as a large group for discussion.
The November 30 BPSI READS Drop-in group is for members of the BPSI Community, and all interested guests.

One tap mobile: +16465588656,,92538326242#
Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID: 925 3832 6242
Passcode: BPSI2021
 Upcoming BPSI READS
Facilitators and Invited Guests:
Tuesday, January 5 – Anton Hart, PhD
Monday, February 22 – Deb Choate, MD
Tuesday, April 6 – Celia Brickman, PhD
Monday, May 17 – Kim Leary, PhD
June - tbd
As another initiative to fulfill BPSI’s Anti-Racism Commitment (Click here for Commitment Memo), the BPSI Resources Web Page intends to make readily available psychoanalytic and interdisciplinary scholarship resources on, Race, Diversity and Otherness, for colleagues and the public. The site is regularly updated with new readings and links suggested by colleagues and the public - Please click to see the latest updates!
 BPSI Resources:
On Race, Diversity, and Otherness
Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Voices
Thank you to everyone who has shared experiences, questions, and ideas for how BPSI can fulfill our commitment to Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We welcome your feedback and input, and contributions to BPSI’s new and ongoing initiatives. You may contribute ideas here.
We hope to see you for the next BPSI READS.
Jim, Catherine, Dan, Jack, and Carole