Upcoming Event
Person of the Year & Company of the Year 2021
Awards Ceremony
Date: Wednesday, March 9th | Time: 6:00-9:00pm (CST)
The Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce proudly invites you to our upcoming Person of the Year & Company of the Year 2021 Awards Ceremony. First held in 2018, the annual event pays tribute to the person and the company that have shown outstanding performance in economic, scientific, trading, educational, and social relations between Brazil and the United States, and have promoted and achieved great benefit between the two nations. This edition has been first announced to happen on December 8, 2021, however due to covid-19, was postponed to Wednesday, March 9, 2022.the “Onshore O&G Opportunities and the Brazil New Natural Gas Market”, followed by a Q&A session.
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Featured Member: American Bureau of Shipping
ABS, a leading global provider of classification and technical advisory services to the marine and offshore industries, is committed to setting standards for safety and excellence in design, construction and operation. Focused on safe and practical application of advanced technologies and digital solutions, ABS works with industry and clients to develop accurate and cost-effective compliance, optimized performance and operational efficiency for marine and offshore assets. From its world headquarters in Houston, ABS delivers survey and engineering services and solutions to clients through a network of local representatives working from more than 200 offices in 70 countries.
For more information about ABS:
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Exxon to Move Headquarters to Houston
"ExxonMobil Mobil Corp. is moving its corporate headquarters from Irving, Texas, to Houston as part of a business reorganization that the company said will be completed by 2023. The reorganization will create three business lines—an oil-and-gas production unit, a chemicals-and-refining unit and a low-carbon unit—and will be effective April 1, 2022."
Starlink, do bilionário Elon Musk, vai vender banda larga no Brasil
"A Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações -Anatel atendeu ao pedido da Starlink, do bilionário Elon Musk, para dar início à exploração comercial do seu sistema de satélites de órbita não estacionária no Brasil."
Forever Oceans signs deal with Brazilian Government for world’s largest offshore concession for sustainable seafood production
"Bill Bien, the CEO of Forever Oceans, a leading innovator in sustainable seafood, met today with Jorge Seif Junior, Secretary of Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply to sign a concession agreement that puts Brazil on track to be an emerging leader in sustainable seafood production."
IBP tem novo presidente interino do CA
"Fernando Borges é o novo presidente interino do Conselho de Administração do IBP. O executivo assumiu o comando do colegiado, substituindo Roberto Ardenghy, que renunciou ao cargo no final de dezembro, após deixar a Diretoria de Relacionamento Institucional e Sustentabilidade da petroleira."
Secretary Blinken’s Call with Brazilian Foreign Minister França
"Secretary Antony J Blinken expressed appreciation for Brazil’s announcement that it will donate COVID-19 vaccines to Latin America, Caribbean, and African countries. The Secretary also welcomed the opportunity to work with Brazil during its United Nations Security Council membership, discussed plans for an upcoming high-level bilateral dialogue, and conferred on the dire security situation in Haiti."
Brasileira de 22 anos é premiada após descobrir 25 asteroides em projeto da Nasa
"A estudante brasileira Verena Paccola, de 22 anos, foi premiada ao descobrir 25 asteroides após participar de um projeto da NASA, a agência espacial dos Estados Unidos. Um dos corpos, segundo ela, pode se chocar com a Terra."
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