BRATECC | Number 20 - May 2021
Newsletter May 2021
Upcoming Webinar

Asset Integrity and Risk Mitigation Through SINFLEX: (Structural Integrity of Flexible Pipes) – Case Studies

Date: Thursday, June 10th | Time: 9:00am (CST) / 11:00h (GMT-3)
Opening Remarks:
Ulisses Sperandio, BRATECC's President

Antonio P. Antunes Jr., Associate Partner

Fabiano Bertoni,
Co-Founder & Director

Henrique Rigon,
Research and Development Engineer
Join us to learn more about Flexible Pipes Testing, Analysis, Monitoring and how to overcome challenges imposed by CO2 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC-CO2) through Structural Integrity Management Strategies and why it matters to your company.
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Fogo de Chão Curbside PromoBRATECC Members Exclusive
BRATECC Members are invited to enjoy exclusive discounts at Restaurant Fogo de Chão, while supporting a local business during the pandemic: 15% OFF on main dining meals!

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Featured Member: Sapura
BRATECC’s newest Patron member, Sapura, is a Brazilian company specialized in subsea services, a joint venture between two international key players in their markets, Seadrill and Sapura Energy. It is one of the world’s largest integrated oil and gas services and solutions providers. They are one of the leading subsea services players in the Brazilian market, with a fleet of six submarine service vessels working mostly as support, installation, and flexible pipe laying. A current workforce encompassing more than 1000 professionals, with 18 different nationalities. In addition to its headquarter in downtown Rio de Janeiro, Sapura counts with other offices in Brazil and Europe (Vienna, Austria); through their shareholders, Sapura has global presence in over 20 countries including England, Malaysia, China, Australia, Singapore, the USA and representatives from Africa and from the Middle East.
Monthly News
Petrobras readies new $1bn tender for giant Brazil pre-salt development
"Brazilian oil giant Petrobras has unveiled its latest mega tender designed to contract critical equipment to help develop its highly productive Buzios field in the domestic Santos basin pre-salt province."

Ativos leiloados no Brasil oferecem 'excelentes' taxas de retorno, diz ministro
""No fim das contas, temos aquilo que o mercado quer", disse o ministro, em videoconferência da câmara de comércio Brazil-Texas, instituição dedicada a promover negócios entre o Brasil e o estado americano."

U.S. and Brazil sign MOU to support efforts of the Ministry of Regional Development
"The signing aims to bring an OTA consultant to the MDR to support efforts and boost investment in priority infrastructure projects through privatizations and concessions in Brazil."

"O crescimento do Brasil depende de mais investimentos em logística" diz Robbert van Trooijen
"Principal executivo do maior grupo de transporte marítimo do mundo enxerga oportunidades de negócios no segmento terrestre, mas condiciona o sucesso da economia a mais empenho em infraestrutura."

Port Houston TEUs jump 25% in April
"Activity across Port Houston’s docks jumped again in April, showing robust growth in both containers and steel due to high regional demand."

Petrobras reverses losses, signals continuity
"Joaquim Silva e Luna, a former army general who was made chief executive in April, said in written comments provided alongside the state-run oil company’s first-quarter results that the producer would focus on areas “where we are recognized as world leaders.”"

Houston 'uniquely positioned' to become a CCUS power
"The University of Houston has developed a blueprint to make the fourth-largest city in the US a hub for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) as the country's oil capital deepens its exposure to the energy transition."

Grupo de Trabalho de Alto Nível dos EUA e Brasil sobre Agricultura e Mudanças Climáticas retoma discussões
“O grupo foi fundado em 2016 pelo USDA Economic Research Service e pelo Ministerio da Agricultura (MAPA). O Brasil e os EUA cooperam ativamente em questões de interesse comum na produção agrícola e no livre comércio global...”

Texas Reports Zero Coronavirus Deaths For The First Time Since The Pandemic Began
"Texas reported no deaths from coronavirus for the first time in more than a year as the state’s ramped-up vaccine rollout has slashed new infections, hospitalizations and fatalities from the virus."

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