January 22, 2020
BREAKING: Aid Agency Warns Of Humanitarian Disaster; 35 Killed Yesterday By Airstrikes In Syria
Dallas, Texas- UOSSM denounces the airstrikes on civilian areas of Idlib and Aleppo yesterday, January 21, within the de-escalation zone. The attack killed at least 35 civilians and injured countless more. Today, the airstrikes continued leveling areas of Maarat Al Nouman and Aleppo. In the past 10 days, 73 civilians were killed including 27 children and at least 11,700 families have been displaced. 
In the strongest terms, UOSSM condemns these attacks against civilians. UOSSM demands the international community act immediately to protect millions of civilians, and that they mobilize emergency rations of shelter, food, water and medical care for the underserved population.

Last year, the UN counted 82 attacks on medical centers, leaving the medical infrastructure decimated in Idlib and unable to handle another escalation of violence. The winter weather in Idlib is currently near freezing, and rainy, exposing hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people to the harsh conditions without adequate shelter. Today, it was reported that an IDP encampment was hit by an airstrike killing two people. 

There are over 3.5 million people in the Idlib governate and 1 million people in the densely populated Idlib city. In December alone, over 300,000 people were displaced by violence in Maarat Nouman and the Idlib countryside. UNICEF estimates that 140,000 children have been displaced into the freezing winter in the past five weeks. The UN verified 145 attacks on schools and 82 attacks on medical infrastructure (90% in North Western Syria) in 2019.

Dr. Khaula Sawah, Vice President of UOSSM USA said, "The news from northern Syria is deeply disturbing and distressing. It is heartbreaking to witness the grief and suffering of innocent civilians, they are homeless and still being attacked with nowhere to go. We appeal to anyone, with a heart, with a conscience, to put an immediate end to the bloodshed, before we have a major humanitarian crisis on our hands."

*Numbers are constantly changing due to situation on the ground.
A heartbreaking video of a grief-stricken mother gathering body parts and hair of her 14 year old son that was killed in a displacement camp in the southern #Aleppo countryside .
For Media Inquiries Please Contact:

Najah Allouch:
UOSSM USA Communications and Media Director
Since 2012, UOSSM has been providing emergency medical relief and healthcare services to the Syrian people affected by the crisis, working primarily inside Syria and with Syrian refugees in Turkey.
  • In 2018, UOSSM supported 14 primary health care centers and 13 mobile clinics
  • UOSSM Bab Al Hawa Hospital provided health care services to almost 1 million patients since establishment
  • In 2018, over 162,000 beneficiaries were provided with nutrition services focused on pregnant and nursing women, and children under the age of 5
  • UOSSM Mental Health and Psychosocial Support services provided care to 110,096 beneficiaries in 2018
Media Contact:

Name: Najah Allouch 
Title: Communications and Media Director
Email Address: [email protected]