Breaking All The Rules

In the world of raising funds for a nonprofit the experts teach us to share photos of happy, smiling children and positive photos that make people feel good. But today I received a photo from our staff in Kenya that I want to share with you even though it breaks all the rules. I share this photo for several reasons. 

First, it reminds me the work is not finished. I have been struggling with discouragement and this photo made me feel ashamed that I was discouraged even for a moment, as He taught us not to grow weary. I was glad to be reminded to keep trying. 

Second, it reminded me of the needs our staff see everyday. It would not be easy to see people, many of whom are children, struggle like this man. And everyday our staff do what they can to help - one mobility cart at a time, one water backpack for safe water, one bed net, one more computer school, one more sewing school and one more patient treated. 

Third, this photo makes me so grateful for all our donors. Without our donors this man would not receive a mobility cart tomorrow.  

I hope no one is offended that I broke the rules.

If you'd like to donate to help this man or someone like him to receive a mobility cart, please click the DONATE button below.

Partners for Care
2001 Breckenridge Lane, Alpharetta GA 30005